NC GOP gubernatorial nutjob candidate Mark Robinson Likes Hitler, Transgender Porn, Pee(p)ing on young women, and slavery. Hates MLK Jr

Dave Chappelle somehow undershot it


I wonder if Kamala’s team knew about this during the VEEPstakes and that’s why she was very seriously considering Cooper?

All these dipshits and none of them can find a camera and bring themselves to say Nazis are bad.

Loving the headlines linking to Trump


If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer.


I’ve seen screenshots of some of his posts on the Nude Africa forums, and yeah they’re… not going to help him politically.

He was cheating on his wife with her sister and a third woman and describing their rendezvous in detail, including acts that… Let’s just say Christopher Steele could make another dossier.

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Yeah I regretted reading that and feel like there should have been more of a warning.

Feel like CNN has a duty to print that stuff and not just give the sanitized version

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Me after reading the piss play posts about his sister in law

Uh, what?

I take a break to hit the gym and now there’s weird piss play stuff going on?

I would strongly advise you to not read it.

It sounds like we really really don’t want the unsanitized version.

And that’s about his wife’s sister? Hahahahahahhaha

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So he stayed in and Trump never called on him to drop. Seems ideal for us.

That said, I was in my car for like 20 minutes and put CNN on Sirius to see what they were saying about it, and they spent the full 20 minutes on Kamala not doing interviews and thus struggling with swing voters, and also is she flip flopping on guns?

Somewhere at Kamala HQ tonight they’re sitting around on their pile of money…

And they’re debating how long they’re going to allow the average North Carolina voter to go without seeing a picture of Trump and Robinson together with the quote of Robinson proclaiming himself a Black Nazi up on the screen, bookended by Trump saying you have to cherish him like a fine wine.

Like, every other commercial break? Every break? Twice per break?


Okay this is obviously super made up to at least some degree, so the question is is he exaggerating for the purpose of his forum posting or is this a reflection of his fantasies for an affair that never happened at all?

Either way, yikes for his marriage!