NC GOP gubernatorial nutjob candidate Mark Robinson Likes Hitler, Transgender Porn, Pee(p)ing on young women, and slavery. Hates MLK Jr

There’s a good chance he just made up all of the sexual encounters.
If any of this is remotely true I feel bad for the sister-in-law. She is not a hypocritical public figure and shouldn’t have details of her sex life dragged out in public.

I’m starting to think this Mark Robinson fellow is a bit of a freak, and a very weird dude.


Yess I was hoping this would happen, kinda feels like CNN going to get personally offended their reporting didn’t cause him to drop out and now going to tirelessly try to bury them

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Having a personality disorder is required in todays gop

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No but seriously. The only way there aren’t easier ways to make money is if the personal costs don’t register to you. A bit like how someone who can’t smell is the perfect sanitation worker.

Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like this whole episode is going to turn out to be closer to a nothingburger than an existential threat to the Trump campaign.

Robinson can just continue to deny everything in spite of the mountains of evidence, and NC voters will continue to think some combination of:

a) These allegations are so outrageous they can’t possibly be true!


b) DEMONcrats and their allies in the LAMESTREAM media will stop at nothing to take down our most righteous candidates! These horrible attacks just prove how scared they are!

On the other hand, I guess it does provide endless campaign ad material: “You want to talk about weird? Y’all hear about this guy they got out in North Carolina? Calls himself the ‘Black Nazi’?” :harold:

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I mean, I think it’s gonna be a mini-version of what we’re hoping to see with the general election with every hideous thing that Trump does. Some small fraction of Democratic voters get more fired up to the point that they make sure to show up on Election day, some small fraction of GOP voters get disgusted and stay home, and maybe it helps us flip the state.

In many cases this winds up meaning nothing electorally. But if NC goes blue by like <500 votes or something razor thin, and winds up being a state we needed, we can probably thank Robinson for it.

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S Tier thread title.

Yeah especially the way it’s being reported. I’m seeing Ashley Madison in all the headlines now. And we know how important marital fidelity is for Trump voters. Nothing about this changes anybody’s view of Mark Robinson, everybody already knew he’s garbage.

Hopefully it drives turnout on the left and suppresses turnout on the right in NC and beyond. Robinson was already pretty much toast, but this can be used against Trump everywhere.

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I think (sadly, but truly) that the transgender porn moves the needle here for a good chunk of GOP voters. They like Hitler, slavery, infidelity, and degrading women sexually, and they don’t like MLK, but liking trans people is not allowed.

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Eh, finding them sexually arousing is compartmentalized from respecting them or acknowledging their rights. See also: Conservative guys married to Asian or Black women who they nevertheless consider to be second-class citizens.


Yeah it seems pretty clear to me that the strategy should be:

  • Broadly aired ads tying Robinson to Trump, and using Black Nazi, Hitler, MLK Jr stuff, slavery stuff
  • Micro targeted ads towards Jewish and Black voters using the Nazi/Hitler stuff and MLK/slavery stuff
  • Micro targeted ads at women using the peeping and abortion stuff and reminding them the GOP stands by this guy but wants to take YOUR rights away
  • Dark money seeded fake right wing group micro targeting conservative voters and black male voters with the trans porn stuff

You ideally don’t want to get caught doing that last part, and it’s a little gross to paint it as disqualifying, but that’s not nearly as gross - not NEARLY as gross - as losing.

Dems need to apply pressure on this constantly in media and pressure Trump to take a public stance on Robinson. Donald Trump shouldn’t be able to take a question from a reporter without being asked about this. If he backs him, you directly attack Trump in all those same ways nationwide saying he endorses all that stuff. And you add specific targeting in Montana, Ohio, and Texas hoping to drag us to Senate victories.


Kamala dropped a Robinson ad!

Actually kind of weak effort here. Not even broaching the Black Nazi stuff …

I’m guessing their theory is everyone going to hear the juicy stuff anyway so they just linking him to Trump

On the one hand, this is the proper response when you learn the guy you’re trying to get elected is a Nazi. On the other hand, I’m surprised the people working for such an already publicly known spectacular piece of shit had any morals whatsoever.

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They don’t have any morals. They’re quitting to save their careers.


This could spiral

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Yeah he’s an absolute nut job. They covered him in (I think?) the Qanon documentary on HBO.