No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

Saw 30 new posts and assumed we had another school shooting…

well to be fair this is pretty fucking bad. Majority GOP kicking out legally elected minority (literally) because they can. Def a precursor to the next 10 years. I’m honestly shocked that Biden hasn’t/isn’t going to be impeached apparently. For um now.


I could use a little more talk and a lot less action from Dems on this.

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Could be. Idk what this guy has accomplished as a minority vote in a heavily gerrymandered state legislature but right now he’s got an iconic photo at the top of every major media outlet. Seems like he’s got more power already if he can take advantage of the moment.

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I’m actually wondering if these three baited the TN GOP into just expelling the two black guys. The woman gave a decent speech that I wouldn’t call conciliatory, but I wouldn’t call it totally combative either. There was some snark masquerading as calls for civility. The two dudes gave awesome combative speeches, and I know they knew that was waving a red flag in front of a dumb and aggressive bull.

Regardless it’s arguably the best outcome for Democrats, and for those two. And like, what did the TN GOP gain? A 72-23 majority for a little while instead of 72-25? These three are probably locked into their seats for life (or until redistricting).

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I’m struggling to see how this is any kind of victory for Democrats or the expelled members. It appears to be exactly what it is to me: white nationalist fascists proving they can do whatever they want and nobody’s gonna do anything about it. Maybe the two guys can become superstar MSNBC contributors alongside credulous Neal Katyal preaching about the rule of law.


They’ve started digging into the records

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And two weeks ago those were still white nationalist fascists who could do whatever they want and nobody was going to do anything about it. Now everyone knows. Now some charismatic young black leaders are getting a lot of TV time to tell everyone about it. I bet they’re going to raise more money in this upcoming election cycle than ever before.

There’s one Democrat in the US House from Tennessee and it’s a 73 year old white guy. Maybe one of these guys ends up in that seat in the next few years, and is nationally recognizable to the media and gets more camera time and more opportunities from there.

Nothing is going to change in Tennessee and nothing was going to change in Tennessee two weeks ago. Trump carried the state by 23 points. The GOP making a national show of what a bunch of fascist assholes they are is about as good as it gets for us in Tennessee.


These guys have the potential to be latter day John Lewis. This is a huge win for the Ds on the publicity front. It’s going to be a long Road to try and unwind gerrymanders and all the baked in riggage.

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There is of course a 0.0% chance Tennessee Republicans do shit about this. However, I’d be quite curious whether this scam was carried over to the federal tax returns. Would be hilarious if he went down for federal tax fraud because of all this. Too bad we’ve got Merrick Garland to trust with this stuff. Should be hearing final “we got hims” in about 10 years.

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I think people still believe if you publish embarrassing information on these guys they will actually feel ashamed despite years of evidence to the contrary

Jones is being re-appointed Monday. No word yet on Pearson.

Was just looking this up.

The expelled guys are from Memphis and Nashville. Memphis has the 73 year old Democrat, who actually seems pretty good if his Wikipedia page is anything to go by. (Still would rather have Pearson in there for obvious reasons)

Nashville is gerrymandered to holy hell and would be an uphill climb for Jones to get one of those seats. Not impossible though.

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TN had two D seats until this last redistricting, they chopped up nashville pretty hard to get rid of that other seat

quick hit with Rep. Johnson

nothing groundbreaking here but worth it to hear her mocking-mouthbreather-accent at 0:52


A cherry on top for the fascists. I didn’t realize what the win in this was for the GOP. It’s cutting funding to black residents. They’re not threatening this to Nashville for reinstating the representative there. Nashville 24% black, Memphis 61%.

Emptyish gesture these days I suppose but the Grizz should refuse to play, and so should all the teams they’re seeded against.

Very normal country:

Apparently “run, or else hide, or else fight” is part of active shooter training but I like that they managed to make it sound like a fight song here