No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

Yeah, they always say that every active shooter training. It seems incredibly dumb when you think about it because everyone is already hardwired with that info at a core reptilian level. You don’t need to instruct living beings to run away from danger --what the fuck are we even doing here?

Yup, thats the official government training guidelines. I have to watch an insanely ridiculous simulated shooter in an office building video thay was produced by the fbi or some shit evey year where they over dramatically emphasize “Run. Hide. Fight.”

Yeah we do one for hospitals.

They do some lip service about not abandoning our patients. Yeah I’m peacing out.

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Need more armed doctors imo


This seems like a really good way to push voter participation in Nashville and Memphis up. I’d be shocked if the state of TN was spending all that much money on cities honestly.

Sure but losing by 20% instead of 23% statewide isn’t going to make much difference.

Only way to stop cancer is a good doctor with a gun.

Urban areas account for ~67% of the population of TN. It’s winnable in 5 years if you push voter turnout in Nashville and Memphis up from 57% to 75%.

That’s really optimistic.

Very optimistic, but not impossible.

I would have laughed at you in 2016 if you had told me that Georgia would have two Democratic senators 4 years later.

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I mean the GOP is turning the outcomes binary. Either they win or they lose there is no status quo coming. One way or another this era is coming to an end. The economical side of it the fed is drowning in the bathtub with interest rates and the political side has been dead since Mitch crossed the Rubicon at some point.

RIP 80’s-00’s style corporate sponsored political duopoly I still don’t miss you.

Holy fuck.

I think the stalemate could persist for quite a while, maybe as much as 20 years. During that time the GOP would be winning via the courts, losing via elections, and relying on eDems not to blow up any norms of their own while the GOP blows up every norm possible. Basically as long as the eDems don’t nuke the filibuster AND pack the court, the status quo can persist via stalemate on economic issues while conservatives win on social issues.

Today’s mass shooting is downtown Louisville.

Five killed, six wounded. Another day in America, no chance this even registers.

Three shot, five injured at the mall I grew up near on Saturday night, but that doesn’t even count because nobody died and it wasn’t a random shooting.

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At this point if it’s not at a school, parade, or concert it likely won’t even make the news.


Or a place of worship, or 10+ dead. Or if it happens on a holiday (that white people celebrate).

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florida men gone wild.