No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

New GOP plan to fix gun violence just dropped

Shows the state of world/country that Iā€™m seeing this all I can hope is shooter is a white MAGA guy so we donā€™t go to war with Iran

What is left to say. We are a nation comprised of like 20 cities that are basically pretty cool with fun diverse populations, and a couple hundred million mouth breathing racist imbeciles that make life miserable for anyone with a functioning brain. Iā€™m so fucking sick of it, as is my entire generation basically, and there is no realistic path to anything better.

So fucking depressing.

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Always was meme

Remember the civil war

Just before the shooting

Donā€™t read the replies to @chgoggin if youā€™re not in the mood for seething rage.

Obviously Maine needs better secure doors.

Thatā€™s only the answer for schools. In this case theyā€™ve landed on the highly predictable answer that this would never have happened if there were more guns. Gotta have a gun with you at all times to protect against people with guns.

This will never stop until everyone has a gun in their hands at all times.

Explains why there are never any shootings in Texas.

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And many of those are going to have pretty large medical expenses.

Just the perfect marriage of two of the worst things about America: Our healthcare system and our obsession with guns

So they going to have to bring in the border patrol to find this guy too??

Of course social media algorithms led this mentally sick man directly down the rabbit hole to all of the usual grifters. Our technology has created a web that is scientifically designed to snare mentally ill, broken people and send them to Elon or Tucker Carlson until they pop.

What does ā€œnormal MAGAā€ even mean? How could you tell the difference between a normal Tucker guy and someone whoā€™s going to shoot up a bowling alley? Threatening the government isnā€™t even out of pocket for a standard MAGA asshat.

You know how if you go to google and search for suicide or alcohol addiction or gambling addiction the first link is to a help line? Twitter and Youtube are like that except the featured links will send right-wing weirdos straight to places that will fuck them up even worse. If youā€™re a little skeptical/worried about COVID vaccines the algos will send you to Jordan Peterson and then to Tucker and then youā€™re watching insane shit about transgender child trafficking rings operating out of your local bowling alley.


Seeing something that there some standoff at shooters house? Wtf is going on, there no way he just drove home and been hanging out last 24hrs?

ETA o I see itā€™s a ā€œfamilyā€ house, wonder if someone tricked him he could hide or something

So this guy threatened to shoot up a military base a few months back, and was still a good guy with guns until last night. Great country weā€™ve got here.

Like, the fact that we canā€™t all agree on, ā€œPeople who threaten to carry out mass shootings shouldnā€™t have guns,ā€ tells you how broken this society is.

working as intended

Actually, you know what? We can all agree on that. Nobody is that motherfucking stupid. Nobody. The problem is all the gun nuts that live in rural America think this canā€™t happen to them and they care more about playing with their gun than the lives of their fellow Americans, and they think any reduction in gun rights whatsoever are just the first step down a slippery slope to TAKING ALL THE GUNS!

Fucking assholes.

you could even still have guns and way fewer mass shootings

itā€™s been surreal near me. there have been multiple mass shootings extremely close to me a city over, another one about a block from me (didnt make the news not enough deaths), and then one big one pretty near me that made the news briefly and i heard someone talk about it that had driven near it when it was ongoing and described it like youā€™d describe having seen a dead bird on the freeway or something.

Iā€™m not even worried about giving away location info, I think the above info could apply to 400 places in the country.

itā€™s not even just shootings either, there has been a smattering of people purposely running down cyclists too where i am and other weird crimes like that. this country is having a mental health crisis but the system is so hopelessly broken and the conversation around it is so distorted thereā€™s very little hope of it getting better

Yeah itā€™s just going to keep getting worse and itā€™s hopeless. Iā€™ve generally been happier since I decide to just emotionally tune out mass shootings. I donā€™t watch the coverage, I just read the facts, shake my head, fire off a text response or two about how fucked up it is, and move on with my day and accept that I, too, could be gunned down randomly in an instant and thereā€™s not a damn thing I can do about it.

Once or twice a year, I do what I did today, and get a little more emotional and angry and fire off a couple posts here about it.