No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

Yep we literally just went through that pandemic thing where like 30% of the country just said fuck it I donā€™t care if I die sizzler more important.

Life sucks so hard itā€™s like w/e who cares

Dems are absolutely spineless to not talk about gun control. The polling is crazy in their favor, itā€™s like over 80% want tighter laws, ~60% want a full-on assault weapon ban, itā€™s stupid not to push harder on gun control.

Genuinely welcome this, even though itā€™s Exhibit A of the core GOP belief that nothing is a problem until it happens to me personally.

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Dude is a Democrat or mislabeled?

Heā€™s a Democrat in a district that Trump won by 7 points in 2020.

In any case, itā€™s beyond my imagination to reckon with the level of cynicism or stupidity one has to be operating at to have a change of mind about this issue now, like has he lived under a rock for the last 20 years? I donā€™t mean to underestimate the shock of having something like this shake you up when it happens in your community, but to never have it go through your head like ā€˜gee whiz what if somebody shot up my town, what would I think then, maybe this should inform my political positionsā€™, I cannot grasp that.


Maybe itā€™s just all cynical? Like he had to pretend to like guns (or doesnā€™t give a shit either way) to get elected statewide in Maine and now he thinks this gives him the necessary cover to come out against them?

Like Obama waiting however long to be like ā€œoh hey I think Iā€™m cool with gay marriage nowā€.


Yeah, if itā€™s cynicism all the way down I can sort of understand, but it is hard not to find that to be extremely grotesque. Guy is triangulating a new fake position on gun rights in the wake of a slaughter, I suppose itā€™s better than nothing, but not quite the audacity of hope.

Also, heā€™s probably a moron.

In the last few months there was:

A shooting at a high school football game where my partner graduated from.

A shooting at the state fair where our friends (had dinner with them last weekend) were within 20 yards of WITH their 3 toddlers.

Oh and we were in Dallas for the mass shooting that killed all those cops years ago. Literally locked down in the hotel next to the parking garage where they eventually blew him up with a bomb robot.

And itā€™s only going to get worse!


Exactly. If we want Democrats in Trump+7 districts, weā€™re going to have to accept the fact that theyā€™re likely going to have shitty views on some things.

You think this guy gets as many Trump crossover votes in 2020 if he comes out hard on guns?

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Republicans are flipping on gun control and Dems are still to chickenshit to do a damn thing. Every Dem who shows up on Meet The Press needs to pound the table and scream about gun control and abortion and nothing else. Pelosi should be yelling about this every day.

pelosi needs to consult her stock portfolio before doing something like that

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They still donā€™t have him? Lol police

What seriously? I hadnā€™t been following this story that closely :harold:

This shooter unfortunately is in a different category training wise than most mass shooters. Guy was an NCO in the army. Iā€™m not surprised he got in and got out before the police arrived, racked up as much of a body count as he did, and then disappeared.

I just hope they catch up to him before he becomes the first mass shooter I know of that got to the second checkbox on his to do list.

Kind of gives me DC sniper vibes in the sense that he is still out there and can kill again. Hopefully his next shot is on himself.

Yikes. Itā€™s just starting to build up where I live, and there have been 3 murders in the last month.

Two boomers got into a fight so one just pulled out a gun and killed the other guy inside of his own house, someone got in an argument at a gas station and stabbed a woman to death, and another shooting over road rage.

I canā€™tā€¦

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Every time Iā€™ve seen this happen (with notable exception of dorner) itā€™s been because the shooter hasnt been on the run but they killed themselves and theyā€™re rotting in a car somewhere.