No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

A pretty good if fucked up piece of evidence for trans men being men. I’m not shocked when I hear a man shot up a school.

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I mean the right is already bound to go full steam ahead with the “this proves they’re all mentally ill” argument anyway, you’ll probably see bills introduced in 20 states to make it illegal to prescribe testosterone for trans guys to avoid these ‘obvious roid rage’ shootings (while still allowing it for >40 cis men of course, because reasons). It sucks that there’ll probably be barely any pushback from the media on it.

We now have an entire generation where school shootings are a normal part of life.

This is 100% what’s going to happen and the eDems will end up agreeing with it in some very “reasonable and moderate” way after a couple months of attacks blaming radical leftists for all the trans mass shootings proliferating across the land.

It’ll also make for a nice distraction from the steady stream of industrial accidents killing people and poisoning our water and air thanks to living in the golden age of deregulation.

At this point I’m convinced the Chinese spy balloon saga was just a bullshit distraction from East Palestine.

They released the bodycam footage of the cops who engaged the shooter. Looks like they did a pretty good job. They formed a team of three and entered, and went door to door clearing rooms until they heard shots. Then they raced to the shots and took the shooter down. You do see some shots and the shooter downed, nothing graphic and no innocent victims shown (edit: it appears one is blurred out at 5:17 in the video).

My guess is that cops outside engaged the shooter from outside at the window to keep him away from the kids.

Also huge props to the unarmed, unvested teacher/administrator standing out in the open like a sitting duck waiting for the cops to warn them two kids were unaccounted for and could be in a hallway/classroom somewhere.

The moral of the story will inevitably be that this is why we need to fund the police and take away trans rights, and have more good guys with guns. It should be, hey look they did everything right and six innocent people died maybe we should ban guns.

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I think there might be one at 5:17. Can’t imagine why it would be blurred if not a body.

yeah this is what I would guess a textbook engagement looks like, these guys knew what to do and didn’t waste time. Pretty amazing how fast we go from “getting out of the car” to “shooter is down”.

Everything went “perfectly” and still the outcome is six dead (plus the shooter)

worst part is they indicated to a friend that they were gonna do something, the friend called the authorities, was told to reach out to non emergency number, and then they basically never made contact at all. great system

So all we need is 3 dudes exactly this good at their jobs stationed at every door of every school in America. Should be about 1.5 million men. Just about three times the size of the US army. Piece of cake!

(Way more likely than banning guns, though.)

Sounds like some woke progressive mamby pamby bureaucracy to me! Need more good guys with big guns!

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wait WHAT

yea they basically ignored it.

Why does Peter frampton hate freedom?

ehh the timing here is tough:

I’m good with this, given the information available; putting cops on defcon 2 for every ambiguous situation like this would probably be bad.

I don’t trust what the police have to say about the timing at all. the story here is that the police told her to call the non emergency number, so no matter what the timing, it would have been futile to even call them.

Oh, shit, I totally missed that.

The thing is, we’re less than a day removed from this post, you gotta pick one:

If you want the cops receiving this woman’s call about scary-sounding Insta messages to treat it as an emergency, that’s also an argument to have a lot more cops executing people in emergency situations like this. Sometimes it might stop an active shooter situation before more people get hurt but a lot more often, it probably won’t.

Well, we know the news of the shooting broke around 12 or 12:15est, which is 11 or 11:15 cst. We know she first saw the messages at 9:57am CST. The police are claiming they received calls at 10:20am, which is before the news broke in the media, so they could be lying but not by more than ~30 mins. So even if they’re lying, at best she saw the messages about 50 minutes before the shooting.

So the question is, how do we want law enforcement to react when told someone with possible mental health issues expressed a desire to kill themselves, and apologized for a bad thing that was about to happen? Could just be referring to a suicide. I’d say definitely send cops to that person’s home, and if someone wanted to send a unit to every school in the area I’d be okay with that, too.

Like it might occasionally prevent a school shooting, and a cop sitting outside a school waiting for a possible school shooter is a cop who’s not harassing random people of color, so that’s a win.

But to me this is more about, “Should we change the way we handle this?” than it is about, “They fucked up.”

it’s entirely different. calling a non emergency line for a person in mental distress is not the same as calling 911 saying “hey this person sent me messages they’re going to do something violent” and them just ignoring it completely. like, shootings have been stopped by the latter, it isn’t even disputable.

I mean, I’d aspire to a society in which police are capable of understanding that they don’t need to kill an individual on the street with a knife who’s 15-20 feet away from anyone else, while also understanding that a person in tactical gear trying to storm a school with an AR-15 needs to be killed immediately.

But I admit that’s a fucking pie in the sky pipe dream here in USA#1.