Podcast thread

yeah it was worse than you even imagine

I basically heard the whole thing because I was hiking in the woods with the dog, it came on, I didn’t feel like stopping to change the podcast and didn’t want to fumble with it while moving because I was in an area near a lake and I had already seen three cottonmouths along the trail

Shame on you for boosting the ratings.

Random update on the messy Opening Arguments drama: Thomas (the non-creepy host) is suing Andrew (the creepy host) and it’s finally getting to court stuff:


I mention this mostly because clicking through to the court order, I noticed it’s in Sonoma County Superior Court. Who knew so many internet battles would reach the same random, humble court!

lol the 5-4 nerds got roasted by Jeopardy!

kara swisher had a pretty good episode today about twitter, social media in general, disinformation during war, and the “liar’s dividend” that was pretty good, nothing in here will be revolutionary to people in this forum but some good dot-connecting, a pretty good episode to refer to normies you may know

Sean Illing has a wonderful interview with Werner Herzog, a really sweeping discussion that I’m going to listen to again


Halfway through today’s premium IBCK on the “organized retail crime” panic and it’s already a banger, Peter was born for this YWA-style debunking.

Yeah quiet quitting and retail theft are both incredible to me. These are both things corporations and the upper class in the US are entirely responsible for. To say they aren’t happening in a vacuum is the biggest understatement in the world with the biggest surprise being that they didn’t happen earlier and aren’t 100x bigger.

If I was a billionaire I’d wake up every day grateful the slaves don’t have a general strike + massive lootening that day. Every day without a crowd of peasants with pitchforks and AR-15’s showing up at my estate tying me up and building a guillotine between my mansion and my pool house would be a good day.

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As Peter goes into in this episode, it is not clear it is happening (for shoplifting) *at all*.

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Yeah some absurd 90%+ amount of theft related shrink is store employees. You can run up some crazy numbers if you get loss prevention and or management in on it. The problem isn’t a 13 year old stealing some 10 dollar earrings it’s your employees stealing 3x 11k pallets worth of earrings.

Unsurprisingly something that is both harder to catch AND pays off much harder dwarfs the higher frequency low damage per event problem.

Just listened to the first five minutes, man what happened to Good Morning America? It’s just right-wing bullshit right now?


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I remember GMA as being kind of dopey but I don’t remember them just making up shit like terrorists selling stolen Wal-Mart baby formula on the black market.

been binging The Dream, s1 is about MLM scams, s2 (halfway through so far) is about wellness/supplement scams. The host is very good (ex This American Life producer) and very snarky at just the right moments. Lots of infuriating content about how both of these industries lobbied their way to immunity. Looks like as of S3 it’s part of Malcom Gladwell’s podcast company.

great episode of OTM dunking on Riverman and all the boomers who are obsessed with shoplifting at walgreens

:vince3: IBCK is finally doing a Yascha Mounk book, I feel like this is going to be Michael’s magnum opus

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Peter’s “One Book Theory” so far holds up and it’s amazing how successful he was at predicting what the opening analogy from the book would be. I listen to podcasts in ~30 minute chunks so it’ll take me until tomorrow to finish this one but it starts out strong.

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I’ve never heard of this person before, am I losing my edge?

That may be expected if you don’t follow Hobbes on Twitter (as he dunks on Mounk a lot), he’s a typical “I’m a liberal, I totally promise *wink*, but the left is going TOO FAR” piece of shit (see also: Thomas Chatterton Williams, somewhat Yglesias).

Stop watching football


Just one facet of the enormous harm college football does in our country:

Magic link