Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

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Despite the content of this post, I am not in fact high in a college door room but just had a realization that pizza boxes are a fucking incredible solution to a problem.

Pizza is something that seems like would be a fucking impossible hot/messy/floppy fairly large object to transport without fucking up and boom pizza box makes it one of the most widely transported hot food items.

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This is a mad lib


Is this just buzz marketing for Pope’s Exorcist II?

Onion. That can’t be a real thing that happened.


So I was infamous for the following:

Last week of classes in HS (early 80s). Cafeteria closed. We had open campus, but no driving.

I can get out of class early before lunch. So I collect a couple of bucks and walk about 5 blocks to get a pizza. There is a five lane busy road to cross, not much in way of crosswalks.

So get the pizza and head back. GD road is super pizza. So I tucked and ran. Got to the lunch room. Opened box in front of friends. Blank crust with all toppings laying off to the side. Just gross.

I was never allowed to get pizza alone after that.


I should have realized serious would have an article about a topic such as this!

President of Iran might be dead…

can’t wait to see trump post some dumb thing about how this happened because joe biden fell asleep

This, uh, probably wasn’t Israel’s doing, right? padme.jpg

Looks more like a Kobe situation of a helicopter attempting to fly in way too low of visibility situation due to fog.

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Everytime something major like this happens, it’s a reminder of how dumb it is that Elon ruined twitter. Used to be the greatest news source for stories in the moment while they were happening. Now it’s all trash.

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Might as well get ahead of Trump claiming he sent Barron in to take it down. Or maybe he hacked it from his bedroom.

2044 Barron for President.

:vince1: :crossed_fingers:

Sounds like they found the crash site and everyone is dead. Can’t 100% confirm cuz Elon ruined twitter, but sources that appear semi reputable are reporting.

So it’s like Andropov’s cold back in the ‘80s? Two weeks for them to get to the crash site…

Space laser strikes again.