Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

The pride stuff this month has been infuriating

He has people in his circle tweeting the weird mindset professional shit for him and the dumbest people on earth love it

I guess, but the outrage seems disproportionate.


Not saying it’s currently happening. The Chinese government has the ability to change the TikTok code at will though. It’s not only about TikTok. Some countries have only banned Chinese hardware and Russian antivirus software for official use.

do we think that, say, facebook wouldn’t insert code at the NSA/CIA/FBI’s request?

We already ban Chinese hardware in a few situations don’t we?

I’m old enough to remember when the president wasn’t allowed to have a regular smart phone for those reasons. Maybe we go back to that instead of banning apps?

very unlikely. app store and android store will check the code for arbitrary instructions injected into the app.

Go ahead and search instagram for france and then search Tiktok for france. Why they want to ban tiktok is instantly apparent. Also Tiktok is banned in China for ironically the same exact reason.

Can you tell me why? Because I’m not going to download tiktok lol

On Tiktok the riots are strongly trending into people’s feeds who didn’t even search France. On instagram french riots aren’t even visible if you search for them. The Iranian protests and in fact nearly all major protests tend to trend strongly on tiktok. The 2020 police protests trended for weeks on tiktok totally unsuppressed.

You should download tiktok if you’re going to be on any form of social media. It’s a much better product than anything else other than maybe reddit if you’re trying to find a good restaurant or learn how to do something.

The TikTok CEO said loud and clear during that hearing that no government was influencing TikTok’s algorithm and wouldn’t in the future. If it’s a Chinese play the play is merely to put social media out into the world without the usual levels of censorship and let it do its thing. Obviously they prevent it from becoming a domestic problem by banning it inside China. This is very much not appreciated by the people who actually run the country.

I don’t really see point of using social media for primary news source unless you some sort of reporter needing to gather information. I use social media to see pictures of college classmates taking their kids on vacation or whatever. The French protests have been front page on any number of news outlets.


BS nailed it. TikTok is fomenting outrage over East Palestine and the Philly chemical spill, and banking bailouts. Then showing those people French riots. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what that all adds up to, and there’s a reason it’s not in American social media apps.

Average dudes who would fit in here raging against capitalism have 750K followers. There powers that be know that’s not good for them.

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What user data is TikTok even collecting? IP addresses and email and pms and all the usual stuff? It seems like a drop in the bucket compared to all the data amazon and google are collecting and whatever diabolical shit they’re doing with my searches and purchasing histories. We’re all freaking out because the Chinese government knows what TikTok dances our teenage daughters are doing?

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I don’t think many individuals are worrying about that. Some people are saying the software opens some hypothetical systemic cyberattack liability via Chinese government that is greater than other tech companies. But others have said the app stores would catch that if case so I don’t know what’s true and not really a tech expert.

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Yeah the privacy concerns are pure bullshit. You can tell that’s the case because Meta and Google are still companies and they collect far more and share that data in a far more promiscuous fashion. We live in a world where all of your personal financial data is for sale on the dark web for <.01 (and I do mean all of it) and all the data people can legally have on you is available in bulk for <.50. Nobody gives a fuck about your privacy.

What they do care about is that instead of consuming mindless meta garbage that is essentially just advertising you’re consuming whatever it is that delights you personally. In my case that’s a lot of burning trash in Paris because I enjoy watching plutocrats shit themselves. They want me arguing about trans rights not watching French workers shut society down over increasing the retirement age from 62 to 64 lol.


this. and from what I’ve read, tiktok is MUCH more forthcoming about it.

you’ll never convince me tiktok’s doing worse things than fb/ig/google. ever.

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apps can read data from each other. I’ve read some analysis that suggests tiktok’s definitely sending a lot more data out than most apps. you can assume that if tiktok’s on your phone it’s collecting whatever data it can. but again, so is fb/google etc. The only difference here is china fearmongering, because the CCP supposedly has some controlling interest in bytedance or something.

if the chinese govt really wanted to fuck with americans, I think they have way more than tiktok at their disposal, and it’d probably become obvious pretty quickly, but who knows. I think there’s reasons to be skeptical but it seems overblown to me and I’m sure cuckerturd juiced the pockets of the right people to make this a thing. ig/meta are hemmorhaging users to tiktok. it’s an existential threat.