Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right


But in all seriousness, can’t Santimonious Ronnie just have the state legislature craft a new bill to one up all this because LOL Fuck You, that’s why?

i fucking love disney lol (not pedo)

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Lol reading more about this royal thing and live blogging excerpts

declares the agreement valid until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England.” In lay terms, the CFTOD board would need to wait out the lifespans of King Charles, his sons William and Harry, five grandchildren, and any other progeny — and then wait 21 years — for the agreement to expire.

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This is hilarious lol lawbro from 500 years ago stuff


This is world-class legal bullshit but I guess I’m okay with it.

Yup, rule against perpetuities.

Rule Against Perpetuities requires you to, at most, have a property interest only last no longer than 21 years past the death of some life in being at the time the interest is created. Picking Charles was a bit trollish on Mickey’s part, but also that’s a thing that was done like 100 years ago because royals had better healthcare than the rest of the population.

Lololololol, that wiki article is already updated to use this as an example.


In a country with a functioning court system that respected precedent and the constitution, no, because Disney’s contract was perfectly legal* under Florida Law, and the contracts clause prevents the government from impairing legal private contracts. What will happen here if this gets litigated up the court chain? Who the fuck knows.

*LolFLorida actually has a statute that lets local governments enter into contracts with corporations that include freezing regulations and bind successor governments to those contracts.

Yeah, it’s 21 years after Princess Lilibet dies most likely.

Yeah, back when royals had better health care. Some in-house disney lawyer did this to troll though. A+.

Some the stuff making it look like any of their descendants so literally can be indefinite? Said royals used to be chosen partially because their progeny would be easy to track down to confirm still a lineage

Well beyond my expertise. The bulk of the agreement actually seems to be for 30 years, the Royal clause is just a piece of it.

Wiki being continuously updated lol. Seems hilarious thing is looks like they just added this whole King Charles thing as a back up plan to whatever they wrote as the first choice timeframe. (Does look like whatever descendent is the longest lived would have to have already been alive)


“if the perpetual term of this Declaration is deemed to violate the “Rule against Perpetuities,” or any similar law or rule, this Declaration shall continue in effect until twenty one (21) years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of [King Charles III], King of [England] living as of the date of this Declaration.[[1]


I think Disney will be out of Florida by then anyway. I mean, there won’t be much Florida left by then is my guess. We’re legit talking like 100 years from now.

Maybe the Disney lawbros know which justices get aroused by Royal Lives Clauses

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I mean, there’s still a universe where the Governor of Florida stops going toe to toe with the biggest economic engine in the state and figures out a way to claim victory without actually doing all the horrible shit he wants to. I’m confident Disney would be perfectly happy to give Ronnie a PR win if Ronnie stops trying to fuck Disney’s shit up.

Trump will throw it in his face and mock him, especially over the King Charles descendant shit. He’s going to be cornered into action. There will be “losing to a woke mouse” material, there will be jokes involving Disney princesses, and he’ll figure something out involving losing to Sleepy Joe/Sleeping Beauty. Is there a Disney Movie involving descendants of royalty? Is there a Lion King joke in there about Simba? I don’t know, he’ll surely figure something out.

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if/when it gets challenged in court i have to imagine this is something that drags out forever

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