Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Charles III wasn’t alive in England in the 1300s, ergo such a clause is unconstitutional

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In my fan fiction universe Disney used some legal stuff that if deemed unconstitutional would fuck over Trumps property ownership or something

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In before Desantis arranges for the murders of Chuckles and all his heirs.

Can you ELI5 what’s going on here? I have no doubt it’s funny, but I haven’t been following the story closely enough to get the joke.

Disney had a special district they basically ran. DeSantis took it away to fuck them over for being woke, and put his cronies in charge.

Today it broke that Disney actually managed to change the rules on the district right before his cronies took over with some LOL King Charles royalty clause to make their change last ~100 years. Desantis’ cronies are all, “This is absurd! It’s an end run around our legislation!”

Then it came out that they made the change before the bill passed and before he signed it, and that information was publicly available, but nobody from the state legislature aides up to DeSantis himself noticed.


Thanks. That is LOLtacular indeed. Looking forward to Meatball Ron’s defense of his incompetence.

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Was wondering why Disney was so quiet about that

meh, feels like this is kayfabe.

Disney got what they wanted and Desantis got to look like he was standing up to a woke Corporation.

The people who vote for Desantis will never hear of this.

I think that’s how Disney thought it would play out, but Desantis is fucking nuts and appears to not be able to back down. Nobody would even have noticed this shit if his cronies on the new board didn’t make a big deal out of it.

And not for nothing, but it looks very much like the new board intended to use their zoning powers /etc, to try to blackmail disney into changing their content. That’s pretty fucking bad.

I know lol law and all, but lol:

The opening paragraph:

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It is also really funny to me that Florida has this ridiculous republican law that lets a local municipality freeze regulations forever by contract to prevent later more liberal successor governments that are less friendly to big business from altering them, and here we are.

Nah, there are articles with the actual bill text (can’t find one now). It’s definitely 21 years from the last survivor currently living. So it’s actually not necessarily Lilibet, but she’s the most likely. It could be any of the 5 grandchildren, whichever of them lives the longest (plus 21 years).

This is apparently the head of one of the Trump-aligned Super PAC’s:


Holy shit, there’s peace in the Middle East? That’s awesome!

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Dems should attack him, and all Republicans by extension, for trying to kill Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, Simba, Ariel, Moana, etc.

Disney is HUGELY popular among a decent chunk of the population and this could actually turn out non-voters.

I’m picturing commercials with the characters, although that may be an issue as far as licensing goes. You could then make it a series of ads, addressing different unrelated issues but still tapping into the Disney thing.

Then in debates when they make a stupid attack, just ask them why they’re trying to kill Cinderella.

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Getting stomped by Disney is not a great look leading into the primary.

Presume there will be a Ronnie themed Mickey beat down out shortly.