Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

This is a tough story and diffcult for me to talk about, but it appears that none of the royals were seriously hurt in a car accident. Maybe next time.

Lol love how their source directly contradicts their sensationalist title, but fuck it, print it!

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This latest set of GOP ‘victories’ and ‘policies’ are unpopular. Very unpopular. My wife is furious. People are going to get random donations from her this entire election cycle every time their opponents piss her off. They’re going to piss her off quite a bit I think.

Yeah I’m always the naively optimistic type but feels like Desantis/state GOP legislators are doing shit that wins primaries but might lose popular elections. Obviously they have the gerrymandered advantage but I think there comes some sort of breaking point when solid majority of people are looking around saying they didn’t want this

They’re gonna rig everything while they can, we are headed for apartheid.

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Losing Colorado Springs probably equates to losing the military. From my anecdotal observations it looks like they might have finally fucked up trying to bring VA disability guidelines into the 21st century. Which is ironic cause it’s an absolute joke we’re paying people tens of thousands of dollars annually for the rest of their lives for being 100% “disabled” as they go on living normal lives with normal careers doing anything except heavy manual labor. Veterans are big mad about it though and the GOP isn’t even trying to pretend they aren’t the leopards coming to eat that face.


I say this a lot, but Republican policy is massively unpopular in the US. it’s like 80% want more gun control, 60% are against overturning Roe v Wade. None of it matters, Americans will vote for whoever the TV/movie star candidate is, Dems have just given up even trying to fight back, Republicans are openly trying to rig elections. We’re headed toward a very weird era of minoritarian rule and we all basically deserve it.

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I cannot get over this result.

CSprings has been the home of the right wing evangelical movement since before I was there for college in the 90’s. There were like, 5 black people in the entire city.

The written word has no means to express my absolute ecstatic disbelief at this result.


seems illegal



Regardless of legality, it’s paternalistic and tyrannical. The party of small government and personal freedom shouldn’t be focused on protecting people from themselves!

Rs already have a massive problem with the unpopularity of their policies, imagine the backlash for this one. Doesn’t basically everyone under 30 use tictok? That’s a lot of people who are feeling the tingle of impending face-eating come next year. And a lot of time for them to get worked up about it.

Plus this isn’t some nebulous or indirect impact, it would directly and significantly affect tons of people’s lives. Just a colossally stupid move.

kids love tiktok so much I think there’s a nonzero real chance of armed revolt if more states did this, lol.

How does that even work on the state level? force ISP’s to blacklist any tiktok endpoint? would they even comply? would be fairly trivial to get around with a VPN, so maybe that’s just what ends up happening. it’s not like they could make using tiktok itself a crime.

what is law but an empire of words

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Republicans never worry about whether something is popular or legal, that’s why they’re running the country.

I did this before. We had a feature not allowed in some locations. We mapped the IP to a zipcode using a popular library. Customers who are incorrectly labeled and call support get a manual override. It’s full of holes and of course a VPN goes right around but we did what we practically could so our lawyers are happy.

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Aren’t they trying to pass a law that makes using a VPN to access blocked sites a crime? I swear i saw a bunch of stuff about that in the past few weeks.

I’ve heard rumblings about this but too many businesses rely on VPN’s for best practice corporate security stuff for that to ever catch on, imho.


This is fucking absurd:

You know how many warnings I dismiss everyday?