Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Fwiw I’m not buying the weed as a causative agent here. I think it’s more that mind altering substances are really bad for people who have psychosis, and that people with low lying psych issues tend to use substances to cope some and it frequently makes them worse.

I’m not all in on that literature, and my view is likely skewed by my political pov causing distrust of that kind of work and the schizophrenics who give me trouble are all on meth.

I do agree with you that chronic homelessness is a more complex problem. The repeat homeless visitors I get in the ER all have lots of options to go to, but don’t. For some it’s drugs. For others it’s paranoid delusions that aren’t bad enough to hold them on. Others are just schizotypal. They’re far from the most common type ime, but they’re far more visible

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I had a friend in high school who went full schizophrenic and smoking would trigger her episodes.

Just from personal experience I would be inclined to believe it.

Look into it more, yours was a prevailing viewpoint 15-20 years ago but the feeling now is it’s more than just that. Obviously only talking relatively modest %s here so majority of cases wouldn’t be caused by early THC use and majority of people who use THC early aren’t going to have any issue.

Given we not going to force a bunch of kids to smoke weed involuntarily going to be tough to have one smoking gun study obviously.

There are certainly people in the field who still share same view as you so I don’t think it’s an unreasonable view and maybe the current concern will turn out to be nothing.

I would not be shocked to find out that drugs, are, in fact, bad for you. Have there been similar studies done with respect to alcohol abuse disorder (or whatever alcoholism is called these days).

I can also say that in my previous line of work I encountered a lot of people with both mental health issues and substance abuse issues, and while correlation of course does not equal causation there, and untangling cause and effect is challenging, anecdotally a lot of them manifested the mental health problems after the substance abuse problems.

The historical view on almost all substances was that people with psychosis tried to use them to cope (or are wired to like them more) but then unfortunately it just makes things worse.

But now there more concern for potential causality or pushing folks on the edge who never would have had clinically relevant symptoms into a diagnosable chronic syndrome. I don’t know if it there yet but I assume this concern will extend to alcohol too.

But important to remember this talking about potential risks for a chronic psychotic disorder. People can be made temporarily psychotic by THC/alcohol/etc and then resolve with sobriety, which historically was thought to be unrelated to chronic psychotic disorders. So much so that substance X induced psychosis is it’s own diagnosis

What does “high potency delta 8” even do? (as I’m sure you’re aware delta 9 is THC)

Best I know (I’m not an expert on these new things) is that it essentially acting very similarly to THC but is legal due to legal loopholes. And lot the products there is not a lot of CBD which (potentially!) would provide some protection from psychotic symptoms so those products potentially riskier than standard weed that has a reasonable CBD content. This is an off the cuff answer so all or part could be completely wrong

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non-paywall link

Creating a DEI event titled “Don’t Call Me Karen” is, to be fair, an incredibly Karen thing to do

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Begging southern Europeans to be normal (Italy has big problems with this stuff too right?)

Spain’s football league seeks changes to law after racism backlash

They all do. England is better but still not good. Think Germany is prob the best but that’s going on feel more than anything else.



Need to watch this with the sound on


Lol shocking

A gag that never gets old for me are the nicknames Black Twitter has given Shaun King. WEB Du Blanc, goddamn.

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Rubio takes an L:

Cliffs: Dodgers invited a drag group that does charity and has a vibe parodying Catholicism to their Pride Night, Rubio wrote a big mad letter to the MLB commissioner about it questioning if MLB and the Dodgers are inclusive to Christians, Dodgers rescinded the invite, then some prominent LGBTQ groups in LA withdrew from Pride Night in solidarity so the Dodgers caved and invited them back

And the dunking

Possibly the single most corrupt organization in the history of humanity.


When he said “for catholics it’s hard to imagine anything more offensive than that” my first thought was “more offensive than raping children?”.

Also if the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (great name!) are an anti-catholic hate group then the catholic church is an anti-LQBTQ hate group. Well, they are… never mind.

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Real or Onion or Pitchbot ?

Could America’s adderall shortage have harmed its productivity?
What performance-enhancing stimulants mean for economic growth
Lessons from America’s Adderall shortage