Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

On the one hand that’s pretty sad, on the other I mean I guess it beats the alternative of doing nothing for charity, which is pretty pathetic. But all I can think of while reading that is all the other CEOs being like, “Motherfucker, why didn’t we think of that???”

By the way, this feels like as good of a time as any to point out the scam that routinely pisses me off the most. You can’t check out of a store now adays without, “Would you like to round up for charity?”

You want to know where that money REALLY goes? Well, most of the time it’s either going to buy gift cards to that store to donate to charities or to buy dead stock that’s not moving or about to expire to donate to charity. Is the store giving a discount on that stuff to pitch in for charity? Lol get the fuck out of here you plebe, of course not!

The best case scenario is every now and then maybe they’re just taking all that money, claiming it as their own income, then donating it, claiming it as their own donation for PR purposes and then writing it off. So they basically get their customers to subsidize their charity for PR purposes, while donating less themselves.

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The tipping prompts have to stop. It’s now routine to get a tipping prompt AT SELF CHECKOUT.

Yeah I’ve always just been a hit the 20% button but over last last month encountered

1- Tipping on admission fee to a petting zoo
2- Tipping on fireworks from roadside stand
3- Tipping on carry out pizza place (fine but 20% seems steep)

Yeah, my daughters day care is run out of a not-for-profit organization, so I always used Amazon Smile to support them. This is bullshit.

Tipping culture is so toxic it’s actually insane… and it’s spreading. What the fuck is this timeline. I’m not doing it. I’m already super pissed my wife has to tip when she gets her hair done. 200+ dollars this 1099 contractor is charging my wife for the baseline service and they get a tip. What the fuck.

I need to put a tip box on my customer rate confirmations going forward. That’s not any sillier than this other bullshit.

I’m never sure if I should tip for a carryout order or not. I figure fuck it, I’ll tip if it’s not a dumb corporate chain. Maybe I’m the dummy.

Yeah that’s the awkward one for me too. Pre covid I didn’t tip on carry out orders. I mean pre-covid say a delivery tip was $3-10 depending on the size of the order and distance traveled, so what’s walking it from the kitchen to the counter worth?

Then when everything was closed I tipped on carry-out because that was the only work they were getting. Now I feel like that stuck and everyone expects it, but I’m not sure we should still be doing it.

But yeah tipping culture is getting way out of control, I mean it’s at the point where I’ve had fast food places ask for a tip. And there’s the awkward thing where they’re looking while you hit not one but TWO buttons to decline to tip them, one for “other” and the other for $0.

I wonder if these tablet based payment processors are marketing selves to firework stands or whatever saying “hey if you use this a lot of people will end up tipping you”

Or if this just sort of an accident from those things getting initially popular in settings where tipping is reasonable

Well this is some bullshit.


Arizona anti-racketeering law does allow for financial data to be collected in criminal investigations, and Arizona’s new attorney general, Kris Mayes, gave no indication she’s willing to end the wire transfer data collection.


Democratic candidate


I usually tip a flat $5 for carry out at any restaurant where you would have a waiter/waitress if you dined in. Not sure if that makes sense, but that’s where I decided to draw the line in my head.

I always try to just give cash to the actual person because I assume the owners steal tips. But the whole dynamic where consumers are expected to make a non living wage livable is really gross.



The end is nigh.

It was fun working for Uber and getting a 4* rating knowing it fucked my ranking

there’s good climate news too. it takes 4+ decades, but environmental regulations work. :nerd_face:


Great news, more room for capitalism to wreck us with carbon emissions! :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

I have a place I order online carryout from that does this, at first it made me a bit uncomfortable so consciously choosing zero but now it pisses me off so much I’ll zero it out out of principle.