Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

I saw this posted on linkedin by an ex-military guy, I gotta tell you the people who work in DoD software development are the biggest fucking crybabies of all time, tons of dumb “DON’T LIKE THIS? STOP USING GPS HURRR DURRR”

I would never tip more than a dollar for carry out.

I concur with the general sentiment that tipping culture is bad and only getting worse. I don’t want someone flipping an iPad around to give me the opportunity to tip them.

I don’t have a problem tipping for carryout, in a perfect world tips would be split among all the people doing the work anyway. But the whole idea that management doesn’t have to charge enough to pay a living wage because customers will willingly pay more to cover the difference is some capitalism gone wild bullshit.

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the 2nd biggest problem is people who say stuff like “in a just world, tipping wouldn’t exist, therefore I’m not going to tip” (closely related to nits who say “five stars is for PERFECTION and nobody’s perfect so I never give more than four stars to my uber drivers even though I have been explicitly informed of how the system works”)


still too low, but good on them (doubt they had a choice).

late to the tipping convo but typically I do 10% for takeout and 20+% for delivery/restaurant etc.

Yeah, grocery stores in Colorado are at 16 already.

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First, based employee kicks cops out of the restaurant on their third day of work and gets fired

A message posted by the restaurant read: “This employee was a trainee & on his third day. When our shift manager told us about the incident after it happened, we expressly told him we didn’t share his views & that he was out of line. He was fired at the end of the day. When we notified by SFPOA, we apologized.”

LOL at the police union snitching on their fucking Twitter account, absolutely pathetic. Anyway then the pizza place announces they fired the worker:

So ultimately they just managed to piss everyone off.

Ready to be furious?

Ok read this:

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Lol at the doctor at the review company approving the care. That doctor did NOT understand the assignment.

I mean this is the system working as designed. We’re creeping back towards what we had pre-ACA, as health insurance companies and these third party medical review ghouls figure out how to fuck people out of expensive care without violating the letter of the law.

Either we see outrage and another attempt at reform (that will again lead to a bullshit right of center compromise plan that again gets perverted by corporations within a decade), or we’re going to get to a point where we accept as a society that billionaires are our owners and we’re their peasants and expensive treatments are for them and crawling off in the woods to die is for us. Cause herp derp that’s how the founding fathers intended it!

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Lol this is something

On May 21, 2021, United sent the case to one of its own doctors, Dr. Nady Cates, for an additional review. The review was marked “escalated issue.” Cates is a United medical director, a title used by many insurers for physicians who review cases. It is work he has been doing as an employee of health insurers since 1989 and at United since 2010. He has not practiced medicine since the early 1990s.

Cates, in a deposition, said he stopped seeing patients because of the long hours involved and because “AIDS was coming around then. I was seeing a lot of military folks who had venereal diseases, and I guess I was concerned about being exposed.” He transitioned to reviewing paperwork for the insurance industry, he said, because “I guess I was a chicken.”


The fuck is up with this balloon bullshit?




I’m curious if it’s an intentional ploy like the time they made Obama wait on the plane before moving the ladder into place or incompetence. I’d bet on the later although maybe the former knowing that we’d cancel the Blinken meeting which might have led to an embarrassing joint news conference where Blinken is supporting Ukraine while the Chinese counterpart does…nothing? Supports Putin?

Articles are kinda amusing. “It’s a crisis, but also it poses no real risks compared to existing spy satellites so no point in shooting it down.”

That being said shouldn’t the Canadians seen this thing like a long time ago??

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Canada has probably been workshopping an apology letter for two weeks now.



Love the statement from the director of the hospice center.

“All of our employees are given regular training in how best to support end-of-life care and the death transition for our residents,” Eastman said.

Are they, though?

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They were two days early whatever honestly. NP prob got their degree in Florida