Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Guy just seems like kind of a dope, tbh. Ostensibly hates the rich “who doesn’t?” but couches everything in lazy Fox News grievances.

But isn’t he exactly the type of voter that the Democrats should get into their tent? The working class that has been economically left behind by politicians of both parties. Give them a decent minimum wage, healthcare, workers rights, affordable homes and they probably won’t care as much if Adam and Steve get married while Eve gets an abortion.


In the song he complains about high taxes and welfare, so he’s not a racist Bernie Bro. He also mentions the pedophile stuff from Qanon, and he was funded by conservatives to record the video as like an astroturfed campaign, so… I’d say he’s probably Trumpy.

Sounds like he has all the right’s grievances but see the corporate Republicans as in on it in the way this board sees eDems as in on it


Or he’s a fucking idiot with no coherent political philosophy

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Absolutely, that’s why the Dems lose to clowns over and over. The Democrats offer noting and the Republicans give them scapegoats like drag queens or people on welfare and these guys are going to break Republican.

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Gerow’s resignation is the third by a member of the board’s eight-member executive committee in recent months. When ACU treasurer Bob Beauprez quit in May, he wrote a resignation letter saying he had “lost confidence” in the organization’s financial statements, blamed Schlapp for excessive staff departures and suggested that violations of the organization’s bylaws could expose the organization to lawsuits or criminal prosecution.


matt schlapp definitely seems like a guy who deserves to be in jail

Wow, trying to shake down the Nike corporation didn’t pan out too well.

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AOC interviewed by NYT. Nothing earth-shattering, but it was interesting to hear her takes on the various questions.

Magic link


The video is a bit more nuanced than the click-baity title would suggest. It’s 14 minutes long though so you could skip to 11:50 for some interesting tid-bit about American voters.

I forget where we were discussing but what the actual fuck is going on in Spanish soccer

Women’s WC thread for one.

lol this reflects so poorly on him. Bro your mother is starving herself to death because you can’t admit you were wrong, take the fucking L!!!

Blow torch his lips off. Momma can take the same punishment.

I saw an episode of the legal drama “The Good Fight” yesterday which was about a professor who lost her job for using the word “niggardly” despite some of her students feeling uncomfortable/triggered by it.

Any thoughts on this? (I will add some of the arguments made later)

The word “despite” seems out of place here (like, she would have lost her job because of that?).

Sounds like a Very Special Episode about cAnCeL cUlTuRe :leolol:

Was it a one off use in a context where that word actually is the most linguistically logical choice or just like repeated trolling using it any conceivable chance?

I meant to convey that she used it despite being aware of her students’ feelings and that’s why she lost her job.

Cancel culture was explicitly mentioned and I guess the episode was meant to be a comment on that.

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As it turns out in the end the professor started using it in a dickish / trolling way after the first student complained. Fuck that fictional professor. FAFO.
I am more interested if we should avoid the word in real life even in non-dickish ways.