Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

This is kind of where I was at up until recently, but after a cross-country road trip through some climate change hot spots (Phoenix, New Orleans, SoFla) it seems like business as usual with a lot of complaining about the weather. Tech companies are eager to invest in Phoenix, Caesars is building a new tower on the hotel/casino in New Orleans near the French Quarter, Resorts World is building a $3B casino near the water in Miami.

So I guess they know something we don’t know? Or they’re morons. But coastal residential real estate in FL does seem insane, MHO seems to be staying far enough inland to be on land that’s good through the end of the century. My concern is just if the homes start becoming uninsurable too soon, the bottom could fall out on some of their projects.

But, people keep moving to Florida, so I guess from a business standpoint it makes sense to keep building there. :person_shrugging:

It works until it doesn’t, though. I think we’re a couple bad hurricanes away from the music stopping.

I feel like there will end up some big hurricane seasons, people scramble to get insured for a couple years then all these southern red state senators will lead push to legislate some sort of federal insurance program. The political pressure will be astronomical

Know someone that wants to pay millions to buy a beachfront FL home that is completely uninsurable and unfinanceable. Fine w/ just paying out of pocket to rebuild the structure if/when necessary. Their only concern is how long do they have to enjoy the property before the coastline shifts enough to make it literally underwater.

Crazy super rich people gonna crazy super rich people.

Not that insane - the developer doesnt care if it gets blown away in 5 years, they get paid, right? Even better if it gets blown away - they’ll get another contract to rebuild it!

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Hurricanes are only having those severe impacts near the coasts, though. Like, for example, why does that have to stop people from living 10 miles inland? Let the wealthy and businesses/tourism take the coastal risks if they’re ablet o do so.

I mean, hey, if you’re rich enough to do that, fuck it, I guess.

Let’s be real the construction industry is going to do really well off climate change. They got paid to build everything and they’re going to get paid again and again to keep updating those structures to either protect against the weather or rebuild because of the weather.


NOLA really isn’t really coastal fwiw. The levees breaking along Lake Pontchartrain was more poor design than massive storm and where the casino is didn’t flood much even during Katrina like all of the areas along the river. NOLA’s bigger problem is subsidence. Levees are like 23 ft or something.

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Dude had his ticket punched as long as he didn’t come out as a remotely decent human and he goes and does that??? Lollll sounds like an upper middle class man in the Richmond suburbs.

He’s not a remotely decent human being though, he’s a deplorable qanon dipshit with the most racist song since Roger Sterling sang My Old Kentucky Home on Mad Men.

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Even if you isolate the field to “country songs that hit #1 on Billboard in August 2023”, it still doesn’t win the title of most racist song.

I bet he wouldn’t dare to try that in a small town.


[white male] people like me and [white male] people like you drinking and abusing drugs to death because of 5’3, 300 pound [black welfare queens]? All this country does is kick [white males] down?

Sure, that’s racist, but it’s not as racist as Try That in a Small Town, which proudly celebrates lynching.


it’s funny because it starts out so benign and then goes downhill FAST

Thought we had a deaths thread here. Maybe I’m blind.

Made it to 99


Welcome, comrade Anthony?


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Wait so is he hating on the gop establishment because he a Trumper or he an (apparently) racist Bernie Sanders?

(I say apparently because IIRC fat poor white Appalachian mountain people on welfare is a stereotype too depending where he from so there may be plausible deniability for him there)