Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Lots of people want to yell at the kids with “what do you expect them to do” takes.

Uh, use your power when you had a trifecta? Fight even a little bit? Stop empowering corpses?


The issue is the vast majority of people over 40 who own houses don’t realize how bad things are for the rest of us. The ones who do are the types who want to know and may actually care. But that’s not most people.

And you don’t have much reason to dig into how systematically fucked the economic indicators are these days if it’s all been working for you. So they see the indicators and think it’s fine and think this is another example of the avocado and latte generation being whiny lazy little punks.

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It’s just the height of selfish narcissism for Biden to run again.


Man, I’m sorry, there is really something quite delicious about an antisemitic wanna be murderer accidentally targetting an antisemitic hate group because it has the root word “Israel” in the name.

“Older generations in top positions of power” do not trickle down problems onto the young and vulnerable, they exploit the young and vulnerable because they can live more comfortably doing so. Gtfo trying to say this is a twist on trickle down theory. It’s the same theory with zero twist. Just old people taking the best for themselves.

O yeah I mean it’s impossible to read this paragraph with the double source verification and not laugh a little bit.

crashed her car into the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge in Indianapolis on Friday, mistakenly thinking it was a pro-Jewish organization, police said. Nobody was injured. The Anti-Defamation League [said] that the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge is in fact an extremist organization that is anti-Israel. The Southern Poverty Law Center has also designated the organization a hate group.

He beat the incumbent by 7M. Don’t think him thinking he can beat him again is narcissism.

He’s polling worse than literally every democrat including Kamala Harris.

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And eventually “some other democrat” will not be on the ballot and it will be a binary choice. Anti-Trump sentiment should keep the enthusiasm up.

Paging SSC.

Also he saw the Ds lose to this guy before he beat him. And he was VP for two winning elections in recent memory. Yes he is older than time itself but he clearly has some ability to campaign.

Put another way, he might be a better candidate than Hillary Clinton. Maybe.

He had Jack Shit to with Obama winning, GTFO

Hillary for president 2024

Nah. RBG refusing to step down when she fucking had pancreatic cancer is the absolute peak there.


lol they should just make this shit legal

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People are making a big deal out of this, but I don’t know if Bernie was in the right. Just let them fight, you know? I’ve seen that they have massive brawls in the Javanese Parliament, and they also have the world’s greatest toilets, so maybe there’s something to it?

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I would not fuck with a man named Markwayne.

Especially one with a 3-0 pro MMA record.

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