Programming or How to Exit Vi Without Rebooting

There is a vim for iPad: ‎iVim on the App Store but I don’t think I’d want to use it without a real keyboard. My iPad is currently stuck in a reboot loop trying to install the latest update or I’d try it. I can’t get it to connect to a Mac so it looks like I get to go to the Genius bar… woot.

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yeah but getting the yaml from (e.g.) gmail to somewhere that sed could read it would be a pain in a case where you’re either using a local vm or using a jump host in the cloud.

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if ios had something like pbcopy/pbpaste in MacOS then it would be easier, but iOS clipboard management is a fucking disaster

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Andele andele mami vi, vi

In theory I should love vi but in practice I hate it. Does anyone here “code” R or is that too niche?

I don’t remember a lot of data scientists on 22, I had to learn enough to install some R code written on windows on a Linux R server a few jobs ago but never wrote much in it.

vi is definitely annoying for the first year or so but when you gain proficiency there’s no other editor that can come close for me. I use notepad++ when I need to open something in windows, but last year I made more of an effort to use an IDE.

from the python documentation on csv reader module:


laughed at the “so-called” in that sentence. “Yea, you say that’s a CSV file? I don’t buy it.”


Lol, that is pretty passive aggressive. Nice package though.

lol yea the tone of it reminded me of that south park episode where the guy’s like "AND WHERE, PRAY TELL, IS THIS “MONTREAL”?


God damnit! I have my new M2 Pro Mac Mini and a stupid meeting in 30 minutes before I can start playing with it…

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Watching a coursera video and I realize that they have an off by one error in their video player meaning the next second after “1:59” is “1:00”, but they clearly know how to provide great instructional videos on how to write code, right? :thinking:

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If anyone wants some SO cred here is an Athena SQL problem I just posted: sql - Athena looking for records with different start dates - Stack Overflow

didnt know where else to put this but this entire thread is so fucking dumb


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I’d be more worried why it’s previous chats were in it’s training data, that seems like it will just reenforce previously wrong statements because it has another source for it.

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that’s a good point. it’s pure alarmist speculation, he says in a followup tweet he’s not so sure this is happening, yet most of the responses are mind numbingly stupid

even if it was happening - it’s essentially meaningless (in terms of risk, anyway).

AI is developing at a startling rate that surprised me with openAI, but in terms of risks ai poses to humans, it’s almost entirely rooted in the bad stuff humans will use AI for and not so much these ridiculous sci fi scenarios people dream up.

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I find it funny when people list things like “git” on their skills on a resume. At some level of competency, say like 3-5 years, I expect you to have mastered enough of git that it should barely be mentioned at all. It’s just a skill I expect people to have. Yet, many don’t somehow. I blame IDE’s.

How long was their resume? I had a “skills” section on mine until I had enough actual work experience to get rid of the section and it had Office in it. Although that was long enough ago that Office wasn’t as much of a given as it is today I guess.

Out of my 4 programming jobs, only 1 company used git for source control.

I was just having a discussion with a cow-orker about how many people in our industry, especially on the convention speaker circuit, live in this bubble where everyone is building 12-factor apps and doing devops and on the verge of ditching operating systems and moving to unikernels and the reality is that MOST software developers are basically still doing things like they were 20 years ago, there are still a shitton of mainframes out there, etc.

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LOL what?