Programming or How to Exit Vi Without Rebooting

it seems like a perfectly sane amount to spend on a keyboard

My current:

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case in point


Arrow keys on separate hands is an abomination

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Haha those aren’t the arrow keys, those are actually pg up and pg down (don’t have those caps in ortho sets). Arrow keys are lower + WASD or raise + ;./shift

yea i dont generally keyboard shame but i thought it was a meme until i looked closer. we all gotta avoid the carpal somehow. it’ll creep up on ya


for 100% open source code

Is it too much? Too little? Is all the boilerplate stuff you would get for free from a modern IDE anyway when doing any non-trivial project?

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hmm well thinking about a little more I guess it might take a week to get it all wired up from scratch, especially with auth (local and the popular oauth2 integrations). But its all FOSS and doesn’t even have Next or any other front end React framework. No way anyone should pay anything for something like this. Fuck, you could clone my board game site and get all of this.

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That sounds right, I don’t code much and what I do is to look at data so the front end is a bit of a mystery.

Man, whenever I see something like this sometimes I wonder if my little one off tools or libraries I’ve carried around for multiple years in my head someone would actually pay for. Then I’m always like “no, anyone could write this”

taplop decision: rumors are that M3 air and pro are coming in october so I’m going to wait it out

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jesus christ azure is a piece of shit even ignoring that horrific compromise that was disclosed by Wiz recently. Trying to build a devops pipeline and wow this is positively archaic

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lol yea

Little known fact: I used to work for the company with the largest Azure data store; MS Office Online backups. Worst product I ever touched.

True Story.

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unrelated but someone recently hacked into Bing’s entire CDN by just logging into their personal azure account, luckily it was reported.

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I’m trying to become more well rounded and full confession I am absolutely dogshit at frontend stuff and have avoided it like the plague for as long as I can remember, and I need a little advice.

This page Real Time Billionaires

has a pretty up to date listing of various wealth gains/minuses. I want to write a bot that does stuff based on this data. it’s right there on the page, I can see it, there must be a way for me to get it, but if it’s not an API, I’ll be extra clueless.

How would you go about figuring out how to scrape it? I can open dev tools and inspect console and stuff but usually when I’m in there I’m only looking at network tab. the page source looks alien to me.

not looking for a solution as much as like, how do I even begin to go about this?

ok there’s an api i guess so this is now an xy problem but still how would I scrape that if I had to?

In theory…

  • download the HTML page with a GET request in whatever language you use
  • feed that into some HTML parsing library that will give you a DOM tree
  • navigate to the nodes of the DOM tree that have the data you want and pull it out

That’s assuming the page is pre-rendered (if it’s making XHR requests to populate itself with data on load, which it sounds like from your discovery that there’s an API, then you might as well skip the hard part and just use that same API)

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yea just got lazy and fed it into a proxy to see what api calls it made lol

At work trying to figure out where the data is coming from on our portals I use the console in Chrome to see the API calls but I’m not seeing anything like that looking at this page. They may have an API for it but there are hundreds of other things going on so finding it may be a challenge.

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