Stocks Thread (A/K/A STONKS THREAD)

And not the only place this is happening. Lots of people in real estate who aggressively took on debt in low rate environments that are gonna be screwed when they need to refinance.

Weak guidance, reduced forecasts.

His job is getting his viewers to take bags so his hedge fund and investment banking buddies can pass the dogshit off to the plebes. It’s the only explanation.

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They beat expectations, so they are now worse.

Those expectations, which were wrong, have nothing to do with new expectations, which are of course totally accurate.

It’s all made up.

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We’re like 10+ years from the first post in the “TSLA showing cracks?” thread on 2+2. We’re 3.5 years from the S&P refusing to initially add TSLA to the index calling it “an instrument of speculation.” There have been countless reasons during most of that time to be wary of TSLA’s business and it’s valuations and yet the TSLA bulls have never been wrong for very long.

I wouldn’t recommend people buy TSLA, but I wouldn’t be interested in going short either

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I think I’ll ride along on this one

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We’ll, there went 6 dollars I probably won’t see for a couple of days…

Yeah for the rest of my life when people push back on me saying the market can stay irrational longer than they can stay solvent… I’m going to point at TSLA every single time.

I dont think Tesla is priced irrational. Theyve got incredible govt support and a lot of room in autonomous tech - just that toyota is making advancements l.

I think TSLA can double their sales in autos and that’s about it. They’ve got about a 50% market share in EVs, which have about a 15% market share in cars. If EVs go to 100% (or close to it) which seems reasonable, and things settle the way they have for a while with the largest manufacturers having about a 15% market share, we’d see 50% of 15% go to 15% of 100%, so around 7% of all cars sold to around 15%.

Say they get a better multiple than most car manufacturers, give them 15x. Current TTM EPS $3.61, so call it $7.20 x 15 = $108 a share. Not sure what % of their current earnings are household batteries for solar, or how much that can grow, so I could be off here but I’m probably not wildly off.

So is the autonomous tech worth like $125 a share or whatever?

Lol Sam Altman just got fired, could just tell listening to that guy he was full of shit

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got fired for some mysterious reason too

Anyone associated with ycombinator is almost certainly a terrible person imo.

why do you say that?

Do you read hacker news/comments?

seems like from this y combinator may have pushed him out too

no idea how authentic this is

Sounds like Altman should move to NY-03 and run for Congress.

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Yes, but what does that have to do with ycombinator?

I can think of reasons they may be shitty, but not any shittier than any other early-stage startup accelerator.

What’s the URL lol