Stocks Thread (A/K/A STONKS THREAD)

There was a New York Magazine profile of Sam a couple months ago that spent a lot of time on his sister:

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I could not possibly care less about the guy so never read. But this news is affecting far more of my life than it probably should

I mean they’re very loosely affiliated with that site. there’s like a single moderator/admin. I don’t really have any moderation complaints and the comments are fairly predictable, but the worst get flagged usually.


it’s really bad lol

What, really? They have/had some awful people posting there, just bog standard Bell Curve “ideas”. If they didn’t want to be associated with them they wouldn’t be.

I don’t really post or read topics that aren’t extremely technical so I guess I don’t really see that kind of behavior. like anything political i’m not likely to read. but I still dont see why that’s YC’s problem, i think HN is a well run forum.

Please don’t put in the newspaper that I want to be the world’s first trillionaire.



lmfao they’re in two years straight of decline and the market still prices it like a hyper growth stock

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I have no idea what a Sam Altman is and that makes me happy

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Feel like I remember reading an interview where this dude basically claimed his AI was going to make so much money it would essentially be the entire GDP of world going into his foundation and then they would (maybe) give everyone a UBI if they deemed that best way to help them

He’s a totally standard tech bro douche. If you look at the totality of Bay Area tech “innovation” in the last 20 years, substantially all of it has made the world a much worse place.

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this seems like an ok practice that can never be abused

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I know nothing is going to happen to him, but didn’t they eventually get around to passing a law that forbids doing this.

Tesla’s valuations aren’t where they’re at because of an ambitious forecast for an increase in auto sales and market share - and I would consider your #s to be encouraging in that area.

Analysts are kind of wrestling with what Dojo could potentially be worth and how it could scale outside of self driving cars and electric vehicles in general; or trying to decipher the results of that technology like Robotaxi and how that could lead to any potential acquisitions for delivery services and such in the future - especially when you got all the subsidy outlays from the govt you want.

It would be a colossal fuck up if the best analysts from the largest banks reach Tesla’s price targets and overvalued Tesla simply from crunching TTM and EPS from past performance for a “tech company”.

To answer the bolded, I have no idea what the autonomous tech is worth but it looks to certainly be worth quite a bit and that is what everyone is fighting to figure out.

…Also, I stated in my previous post that I wouldn’t want to hold tesla atm simply because competitors. mainly toyota, are making advancements on their own.

“Lying to the board” :man_shrugging:

Looks like every CEO everywhere is subject to firing

I thought so but guess not

well in a normal corporation, yes

in a corporation with a dual-class shareholder structure, or one where the CEO has managed to get all his cousins installed on the board, no

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These claims that it’s about disagreement over security or whatever seem like obvious horseshit

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