Stocks Thread (A/K/A STONKS THREAD)

NVDA over $500, too late to get in? :weary:

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There are no good known tech bros. There might be one somewhere. Maybe.

Meanwhile OpenAI’s board has issued a statement

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Good tech bro:


lol Larry Summers, sure, ok


if Cramer was a magazine


So seeing headlines that the openAI guy is rehired? I hadn’t been following this much, anyone have an article that gives a reasonable summary of what actually precipitated this and what going on? Seems bizarre

Basically Satya did a Michael Corleone to the entire board and had them replaced with normie puppets like Larry summers

Centuries from now, when we’re all living in caves hiding from the terminators, this will be a cool origin story.

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Is this all just some weak ass publicity stunt?

Ahead of OpenAI CEO [Sam Altman’s four days in exile]), several staff researchers wrote a letter to the board of directors warning of a powerful artificial intelligence discovery that they said could threaten humanity, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Given vast computing resources, the new model was able to solve certain mathematical problems, the person said on condition of anonymity because the individual was not authorized to speak on behalf of the company. Though only performing math on the level of grade-school students, acing such tests made researchers very optimistic about Q*’s future success, the source said.

Extremely unlikely. People aren’t going to give up board positions on a company with a profile this high just to make Sam and Satya look slightly better

They legit thought they would come out of this on top and looking like selfless defenders of principle

Also you cannot overstate how much of this was satya’s doing. Dude saw what was happening and made moves to completely cut off the board (effectively offered to hire the entire openAI workforce overnight which left the board completely impotent). Without Satya this plays out differently and he basically has effective control of the company now (and Sam is probably the next MSFT ceo if he wants it)

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Yeah I wonder to what extent this is either some false flag by Altman cronies effort the get rid of or diminish certain board members.

  • CEO didn’t immediately warn us a that new model could figure out long division” as a justification for immediate firing seems crazy
  • “We have to concoct a scenario that wrests control of this IP from the “hey you need to slow down” board members to MSFT sympathetic people” seems pretty plausible

didn’t he argue for interest rates to go to like 10% or am I thinking of some other idiot?

Maybe that he wanted to put a bunch more people out of work for the health of the economy?

i guess yeah maybe it was that

Charlie Munger finally died. Smart guy with a very interesting career who became increasingly out of touch. I felt a small amount of relief when I read that he had died because he had reached the level of out of touch where he was trying to force college kids to live in windowless full Skinnerian dorms.

He qualifies as one of the ‘good billionaires’ (amazing oxymoron there are like 5 maybe out of however many there are) simply by virtue of having spent his entire life resisting the unrelenting force of short termism. He was probably as evil as any other billionaire in every other way but that one, but that was a big point in his favor.

If every billionaire was like Charlie Munger the world would be a lot less screwed up.


If you just pretend the last 10 years didn’t happen, it’s pretty easy to respect the guy, IMO.



I agree that the world would be better.