Stupid Things Heard at Work

I can confirm Riverman’s experience is correct. A lot of tax software and form combinations make it seem like you’re getting double taxed. It’s confusing a f

I feel the same :harold:

Also pissses me off that the sell to cover garbage is never close to enough so then we have to figure out the additional taxes and cover it out of pocket.

TWO people today bugging me because I didn’t accept a meeting invite (didn’t decline it either). I don’t accept internal meeting invites generally unless it’s something important because I will absolutely dump an internal meeting for a meeting with paying customers/prospects.

in this case they probably have a point because there’s no point to this meeting if I don’t show up

But is there a point if you do? :vince1:

I get that not everyone has a pro-level podcasting studio in their home but gotDAMN some people just have unbelievably bad audio quality, this dude I’m talking to sounds like he’s inside a bell AND he mumbles, what the FUCK man

idk if you guys use gong with your zoom meetings but it has this thing where it has an AI “analyze” the call and send you a summary, today our customer never joined so it just summarized our team chitchat, it’s like kramer’s intern taking notes on the coffee shop conversation

  1.  pvn will be out on Wednesday and Thursday to pick up his son from college.
  2.  pvn's son finished college earlier than expected and pvn needs to make arrangements for his return.
  3.  pvn's son's car got totaled and he needs to buy another car.
  4.  The team is waiting for Omar to join the call.
  5.  Omar has not been showing up for scheduled calls.
  6.  Kyle will try to contact Omar and get him on the call.
  7.  The team discussed the engagement level of another company, XYZ corp.

did a zoom interview yesterday, I switched from my corporate account to my personal account, but when I joined the zoom, it was showing my corporate avatar and name. Double-checked and sure enough it was showing that I was logged in as personal. Really weird, I don’t actually care too much about this but it might freak some people out especially if you work somewhere paranoid (the interviewer was a little concerned).

What’s a corporate avatar? Like a cartoon of yourself, or just your standard corporate photo that shows when you’re not on video?

No just the headshot I use on my corporate account when my camera is turned off. Also my screen name has my company name in it since I so frequently join calls with people I’ve never met before it just makes it easier

VP of sales slacks me at 7:30 am: hey can you hop on a call with [big customer]?

me: now??

vp: yeah I’m on with them right now

me: no, I’m running an errand (I was literally getting into the car to go to the paint store, separate issue for the ANGER thread), I’ll be back in 20 minutes

then of course this guy starts a completely unnecessary group DM with me, our boss (CRO), and two guys on my team asking for someone on the “technical side of the house” to answer “supe reasy question” which was in fact not technical at all and could have been resolved by simply asking in any of approximately 95 open slack channels we already have rather than starting yet another group dm

recurring monthly meeting with customer X is apparently scheduled for the 12th of every month rather than “2nd tuesday” or whatever, so this month’s meeting is on Sunday and by the time anyone noticed everybody’s calendars are filled up so we can’t find a time that works for everyone (or really even a large portion of people).

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somehow I have FOUR customer meetings tomorrow AFTER LUNCH what the fuck

That is not a good Friday

fucking FURIOUS because this guy on my team takes today’s meeting invite and then just edits it rather than creating a new meeting invite for the next meeting, I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT STOP FUCKING DOING THIS

one of these got rescheduled for next week and the last one was actually an internal meeting to prep for a customer meeting monday morning which I convinced the organizer was absolutely not necessary

it ended up this was actually the customer doing this so I can’t even yell at him

two really dumb things I’ve heard this week from supposed “experts” in my field

  1. Project X posted a public notice on February 15th that they had a “staffing issue” and would be on hiatus for two weeks. Since then this project has been operating at (literally) about 5% of it’s previous throughput with basically no further updates on their “staffing issue”. If you make any public statement (on linkedin/mastodon etc) wondering if the project is dead or not you get a bunch of potato heads yelling at you, because they think you’re cheerleading the termination of the project. They are incapable of differentiating between “is project X dead” and “should project X die” and I want to scream every time I see it

  2. a bunch of experts in one aspect of my field have podcasts and other platforms, get some statistical data about happenings in our field that they don’t understand how to interpret, but since they are experts in that field their misinterpretations are virally spread as gospel

been job hunting, finally found something good, everything lines up, new boss seems fantastic. expected an offer on wednesday, didn’t arrive until last friday morning (electronic docusign).

there are a bunch of things I was expecting to get with the offer than didn’t arrive (policy stuff, insurance, etc). Takes forever to get the info. Over a week, just to get basic shit they certainly have to supply to everyone else they hire. I was expecting an updated offer letter yesterday, didn’t arrive. Emailed the HR person, no response.

honestly, there are still some issues they’ve just ignored, I really think this is a good job but the HR people are an absolute disaster, kinda considering walking away from this. The fact that HR is fucked up isn’t really the deal breaker here but the fact that my would-be boss (CRO) can’t get them to move on this shit seems a little concerning.

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This is my company exactly. Our team is super high performing, collegial, smart, etc. can’t recruit for shit unless we do it ourselves because lol hr.