Stupid Things Heard at Work

Running a 2-day workshop with customers. This morning the account exec posted some feedback from the customer in slack which included this beaut:

It should be noted, I guess, that this customer is a pretty major bank but anyway I joined this morning from my kitchen. Fuck them finance bros

Oh I guess I should note that I started the new job Monday. The admin/HR/people department is an absolute clown show but the rest of the company is fantastic so I don’t feel like I fucked up yet.


Screw that, this is my zoom pic, live cameras are for the young and pretty.

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for a while I used a video as my background, the video was me sitting at my desk staring at the webcam and occasionally moving or scratching my nose. Then I just cover the webcam and turn on during meetings and it looks like I’m sitting there paying attention.

this is a pretty good option as well


Nice! You have a crochet-er in your family or an Etsy purchase?

I have literally never interacted with any HR department that wasn’t a clown show.

If they were smart they wouldn’t be in HR.

Picked it up at a game-con a few years ago, wish I knew where it was, it didn’t make a move along the way…

well obviously but I mean even by HR standards these guys are fucking incompetent

got this email at 2:30AM on july 4th from one of our HR drones

Good evening!

The following details are required for the onboarding formalities with one of our customers. We kindly request you to provide them ASAP.

  • Full first name / last name
  • Birthdate
  • National ID number (Social Security Number for U.S.)
  • Home zip code / postal code
  • Personal email – this NOT an [company] email
  • Cell phone number

I am pretty sure this is for a training workshop I’m going to do for one of our new FSI customers, this is a remote workshop that will be delivered over zoom. Pretty amazing that the HR drone even sent me this and didn’t push back on them at all

Your customer wants your social security #? :harold:


I left my last employer in mid-june. The old job still owes me for 156.15 hours of accrued PTO. I emailed the COO about this (who handled my offboarding and who I have (had?) a good relationship with) early last week and have not heard back.

What are the chances I ever see that money? It’s a significant amount so if I need to pay a lawyer to get involved it’s easily worth a few hundred bucks (if a “cut this shit out” letter is enough to get them to cough it up)

In California you’d already be owed penalties (a day’s pay for each day the payment isn’t made).

this company is based in california FWIW

That’s interesting. Don’t know how you being in a different state might change things, but if you gave 72 hours or more notice the PTO was likely due in your final paycheck. After that, a day’s wage per day up to 30 days. But IIRC you have an ongoing relationship with these folks? That would be enough reason to just keep nudging rather then getting legal about it. If and when that time comes you shouldn’t need a lawyer, the labor commissioner loves stuff like this and you can go straight to them.

yeah I have an informal agreement with them to do some contract work, we have an agreed-upon rate etc, there’s no paperwork, and I haven’t actually done anything for them under this arrangement yet.

Sounds like you might need to formalize the other agreement so you don’t screwed on that too.

I have a friend who is clearly owed low $xxx,000 from a former employer. Like totally clear cut contract. They still are saying fuck you sue me.

Fortunately I learned this lesson relatively cheap (although I was broke at the time so it stung). Never trust anyone you’re working for to pay you anything that’s due after your last day working for them, unless it’s contextually obligated and you’re prepared to sue them for it.

Same goes for landlords and deposits, dot the i’s, cross the t’s, and have proof of everything.

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“Obama is why we’re in all these wars right now”

“Did you see the italian boxer than got knocked out by a transgender?”

Both of these idiotic statements require willful ignorance. I so badly wish I could respond how I want without risking my job.