Stupid Things Heard at Work

It’s brutal. My company went out of their in our monthly meeting to explain why we don’t and shouldn’t have Juneteenth and MLK Day off. Their claim was we need to be there for federal employees since that’s a day they have off. I’d say <5% of our clients work for the feds, and they don’t just choose those days to call in.

we’re doing some consulting for a major NY-based bank, part of this requires us to have logins on their network, and I’m basically sitting in an “onboarding” session with a bunch of temp workers or something about how to login and it’s absolutely unhinged, their system “does not allow” passwords generated by password managers and apparently will reject them? Not sure how it even knows but this should be interesting.

Web browsers can’t possibly know this.

Maybe it will only accept passwords that contain at least one common pet name

I was assuming it would flip its shit if the password got all pasted in at once instead of just being slowly typed in, but I used 1password and it worked fine

also generated nonsense for their SIX security questions with no problem

I remember being pissed at login boxes you couldn’t paste into, that could be what they mean? Not allowing password managers to automatically fix the login box?

I think the person reading the “rules” to me was just a moron

They obviously know nothing about password security so no reason to think they save the best and brightest to lead on-boarding classes…

not really a stupid thing, but something I haven’t ever heard before, two guys talking about “lifting” and the context was around cold calling prospects, not working out.

These guys are both Indian immigrants to the US, not sure if that’s standard nomenclature there for “answer the phone”

eg: 1: “my call didn’t go through”
2: “do you mean he hung up or he never lifted?”
1: “never lifted”

So equivalent to “picked up?” That’s funny.

Do you even lift bro


Checks out, as a proud all-formats never lifter.


so I started a new job ~2 months ago and I’m resigning next week unless something miraculous occurs over this weekend. This company is just a fucking disaster, total chaos (not in the good ways), complete lack of anything resembling culture, kind of annoying cow-orkers (I actually like my direct manager but that’s about it). And really, I can tell I’m not firing on all cylinders. Even my wife has noticed, and she has zero understanding of what I do.

anyway, I guess I’ll offer two weeks notice but I don’t think it’s really necessary, it’s not like I have a lot of stuff to handoff to anyone else or projects to wrap up.

I’m going to just delete this company from my linkedin and resume and if anyone asks I’m just gonna say I took a couple of months off after my last job.


That sucks. Are you able to go back to the old place? IIRC, you were still working for them in some capacity on the side.

yeah that blew up and they basically burned the bridge with me. anyway, I do have something else lined up (it’s bad at the current job but not so bad I would just walk away without something else ready to go)

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Add this to the “trust my gut” file—I remember you talking about the incompetent HR and hemming and hawing about taking this job.

jesus christ you guys

really gotta read the shit they send you

got my offer letter for the new gig and like buried down in there noticed a decimal point in the wrong place in the equity grant section, and not in my favor. Like literally an order of magnitude mistake.

Me: Hey, can you answer this question? Also this second question?

Them: Answer to question #1.

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You were lucky to get the one answer.

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In a call with an executive from Florida and in reply to a question he says “we’re looking at that very strongly”.

100% Trumper?