Television & Movies

I mean they hit almost all references (no green boot powerup :frowning_face: ) but how does this movie not end with mario eating a white and green mushroom, getting flattened by bowser, everyone gasping/crying, in the background mario just shows up and says “I got a 1up”.

Finished Jury Duty, it’s great, highly recommend. The last episode where they do the big reveal to Ronald is pretty fun and really makes it feel all the more incredible that the actors could stay in character that long without ever busting up laughing.


Silo through 3 is great. Reminds me of BSG a bit.

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I’ve never been more hyped for a children’s movie. Feel like I’m too old but w/e.

I’m usually pretty harsh on movies in general but for this thing yeah it was just fine. It was kinda funny that they very clearly processed Pratt’s voice to be just a little higher pitch. Everyone else was fine. A little too Jack Black being Jack Black but thats what happens when you cast him.

umpteenth attempt at watching the sopranos. 4 eps in, which is the farthest I’ve ever made it. Optimistic that it’ll grab me at some point.

tough to say. most shows fall of for me in later seasons. not gonna count mini series. i think at one point i thought dexter s1 and 2 were goats. GoT first couple were bingeable. i did like sopranos and the wire, but i probably don’t have the patience for a rewatch.

I think miniseries absolutely count, but that’s because I think some of the better TV ever was in miniseries format.

Did you watch Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul? Did you like it?

If you make it to College and aren’t in, I don’t think it’s for you.

oh yeah. i’m on the last season of bcs. it’s great. bb was also, in a different way ofc.

miniseries is a bit different because there usually isn’t a dropoff when the first plot line ends. like the showrunners don’t have to conjure something new when the book runs out.

i’ve enjoyed some miniseries like John Adams, The Spy. latest one was probably Queens Gambit

So this recommendation is legitimately dark. It’s not for everyone, but it’s basically the Italian’s answer to the Wire/Sopranos and I think objectively it’s better.

i’ll check it out. for italian crime dramas, La Piovra is a very old classic.

remembered that i also found first two seasons of Narcos pretty good.

The guy that made Gomorrah is going to need round the clock state provided security for the rest of his life… which will almost certainly end with an assassination. He’s done more the damage the public image of organized crime in Italy than just about anyone.

The show pulls zero punches and makes less than zero attempts to make its characters sympathetic. It’s the only show of its type in that way. Despite that it’s very interesting/watchable at least partly because watching legit awful people have legit awful things happen to them is cathartic.

Suburra is another good one.

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If I was on the last season of BCS, I would have a hard time doing anything else until it was done.

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I took my kid to see Guardians of the Galaxy.

Are all comic book movies this bad? Just absolute garbage from start to finish (and way too long). Genuinely mad this shit makes money.

Yeah if you liked Narcos a lot my Gomorrah suggestion gets significantly stronger.

Eh, Italian movies/TV/books shit on the mafia all the time.

He wrote a book called Gomorrah that really kicked that off in 2006. He’s someone every version of italian organized crime wants to make an example out of. You’re right if he lives long enough he might age out of having a price on his head… but I don’t think that’s happened yet and it’s 17 years later.

I read the book within a couple of years of it coming out and my reaction was a really strong ‘holy shit’. It was closer to journalism than it was to fiction, and wasn’t at all subtle about it. And the Italian gangsters hated it.

I guess my serious answer is that the Marvel movies are a mixed bag andt they’ve been noticeably worse since Endgame. be grateful you didn’t get dragged out to see Quantumania.