Television & Movies

I heard from lay people that guardians was good.

Chernobyl was a great recent one

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Hilariously “College” is S1E5 of the Sopranos.

i agree. although i know several people who lived through it who called it bullshit. there is a sense that it portrayed the victims in a bad light. i don’t share the view, but it is out there.

Oh, so I finally caught up on Everything Everywhere All At Once. What a fantastic movie. Loved every minute of it, and I definitely see why nothing was even close in Oscar betting. My favorite part, that had me absolutely rolling, but also that I have a question about:

The 2001 reference where the hot dog fingered ape wins the fight against another ape. Hooooooo boy, that slayed me. The badly played rendition of Also Sprach Zarathustra that was playing in the background for that scene, I feel like I’ve heard exactly that rendition somewhere else, but I couldn’t place it. Does anyone know what that was from originally?

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New season of What We Do is on its way, so I can stop watching the dreary horrible rich people and start watching the show about the funny horny horrible rich people.

It’s a tough rewatch years later for some. I kind of felt the same but finished it just for posterity.

City of God killed the American mob genre for me. Sopranos must have been pretty special to experience 20 years ago though.

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This is where my wife and I are. Genuinely hated S4, one of the worst TV watching experiences ever. S6 is pretty dull. I know that like 4 of the top 10 rated episodes are in the latter half of S6, but I just feel like im slogging through right now. The Vito storyline thats taken up like 3 episodes just draggggggggggggggggggggggggggggs

Lauren Bacall getting punched in the face almost made up for the first half of S6 though.

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I’m almost done with s1 and the whole “feds closing in” storyline is making it more interesting for me.

the problem for me is none of these characters are really that likeable or sympathetic, especially tony.


Yeah he’s way less subtle about being a piece of shit than Walter White.

EDIT: But I think I like that honestly. There’s a type of show where you aren’t actively rooting for the protagonist, and the Sopranos is one of the better examples of that.

If you want to root for someone in the Sopranos it’s gotta be the side characters. I also really appreciated how the show showed a genuinely fucked up family. The Sopranos shows you fucked up totally unsympathetic people and manages to explain them without letting them off the hook. It’s also incredibly comedic if your sense of humor is as dark as mine.

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Cable about to be officially dead.

Doesn’t ESPN already have a streaming service that shows all the stuff you would actually want to watch (the sports)?

No, ESPN+ is supplemental, has non-primetime games, MMA fights, etc. on it. But can’t, for example, watch the NBA playoffs or Monday Night football on it.

There is a “regular” ESPN app where you can watch ESPN’s prime time events but can currently only get access to it through your cable provider.

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12 days til ITYSL S3

Mrs. Davis on Peacock ended pretty well. About as well as you could expect. A tight 8 episodes, Betty Gilpin is great, character actor Margo Martingale (ironically, as a nun), male lead whoever he was pretty good too. Usual Damon Lindelof weirdness. Recommend if you ever pir.@te or happen to stumble into a cock sub.



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I watched this the other night, it was solid. It was a little funny how much they went out of their way to not have to have an actor really play MJ, though, like to the point where the shoe execs are all barely acknowledging him when he pulls up to their offices, effusively greeting only his parents.

I heard a bit of an interview where they said they weren’t going to find anyone believable as MJ so better this way. It’s all about the shoe.

every description of it sounds horrible lol

A lot more fan service than I was expecting in a sports movie, but a fun watch.