Television & Movies

The Imperial dominatrix lady from Andor is also the voice actor for Yennifer AND NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS UNTIL TODAY

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HBO Max done pissed off directors now too

What a bizarre move. “Who directed it?” is like the first question people are going to ask when they see a movie listing.

Creators lol jfc, this guy running HBO has to just be trolling us

Is this, just, like, malice over the WGA strikers? What do they think this gains them?

All indications seem like this company is pushing buttons and has no idea what they’re doing. Like yesterday was the big HBO → MAX day and you’d think maybe they would just…update the app but…no, it’s a separate app you have to download (that is, outside of branding, exactly the same app as the “old” HBO one!)

Yeah anyone who thinks we live in a meritocracy really needs to pull their head out of their ass and analyze the logic behind any 4-5 major public decisions made by major corporations in the last 12-18 months. If you pick 4-5 at random you’re virtually guaranteed to find mediocre or worse work at the root of 3+ of them and at least one of them will be straight up evil.

What’s really sad is software and entertainment is one of few things this nation supposedly does well

Eh not together. Also this is just just generic corporate idiocy that lives separate from the other two things.


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fred armisen!!!

I’m more excited about this than i have any reason to be

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I gotta download a new app on my PS5 to watch HBO? Are they serious with this nonsense? They couldn’t just update the existing app?

How is The Flash happening? Ezra Miller spent 2022 in the news for grooming minors and being a fugitive and the comic freaks are still releasing this huge movie starring them like nothing’s wrong?

How did they not give Grant Gustin that role? Absurd.


pretty terrible ending

Barry’s was worse

Succession: yeah kinda dumb, idk why Shiv would go along with it for that long just to be like “sure, ok, I’ll hand it to Lukas and Tom”. Did she decide she wants to be wife of the CEO? Kinda delusional to think that’s gonna work out, and lame to end the show on that note.

Shiv becoming her mother. Powerless to the CEO. Destined to “raise” a kid she doesn’t want and be a terrible mother. Pretty dumb.

Saw John Wick 4 last night, they got rid of most of the plot and it’s just rock-em sock-em robots for most of the movie. JW just shows up in places without always having any motivation we’re aware of to go there. Pretty to look and at with pretty good fight choreography, although there were so many people getting destroyed on screen you couldn’t help but spot extras waiting their turn to run into JWs gun, sword, hatchet, nunchuck, etc. One of the more interesting if impractical worlds of late (how can there be that many bad guys doing nothing? How corrupt do things have to be that it takes several deaths via hatchet in a full disco to cause any alarm?) They did totally lean into the “bullet proof suit” idea where you pretty much have to get a head shot to kill anyone, which makes the gunplay pretty silly. All in all it was fun; no Hale Barry, but no gun fight in a knife museum either.

What did you think about the length? Was flipping through Prime last night and saw that it is 2h 49m long! Seems like a lot. I just checked and that’s a full hour longer than the first one.

ETA: Googled “John Wick 4 length” and it’s showing me some articles saying there was a 3h 45m cut! That’s just nuts.