Television & Movies

All the movies are too damn long now, I don’t get it.

I didn’t notice it while watching it, it didn’t feel overly long, but I bet there are a lot of scenes talking about where he needs to go next that are on the floor though.

In just a matter of hours, ITYSL s3 drops.

What time does stuff become available on Netflix?

I really like the series but it was too long, some of the fight scenes just dragged on forever I don’t see myself ever watching it again.

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12am pacific

back off banana breath, what’d you just have, a banana?

The Machine is almost 2 hours and is just a dumpster r rated comedy. I agree movies are too long.

Is it because tv shows regularly hit 70 minutes for hour shows and a 90 minute movie is just not terribly impressive by some metric?

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I can’t watch until tonight but I can absolutely picture Tim Heidecker saying this

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Halfway through season 3 of ITYSL. So far everything has been funny, but nothing has seemed particularly great. Not sure if that’s a sign that the show has gone slightly downhill, or if that is just the nature of something like this. That it can never live up to what it was when it was fresh and new.

I dunno, I feel like my experience with every season is that a few are laugh-out-loud funny initially, but most you have to chew on for awhile and rewatch to appreciate. I’m at the same point as you so far and feel similarly, but you gotta let them age for a bit. Like a fine wine.

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Really good in-depth article about problems in the production of Lost:

They put a bunch of effort into courting Harold Perrineau (Michael) who then just got used as a token Black character and pushed to the side while the white characters (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke) got the focus of the show, with writers kinda saying the quiet part out loud:

along with a generally hostile & racist workplace (there’s lots of examples in the article) that Cuse & Lindelof did nothing to stop

However, even for experienced professionals, what occurred at Lost crossed or obliterated most lines. There was “a coterie” of people who would find it very amusing if a comment or joke was “offensive,” one source told me. “Everything was said with a sort of sarcastic ‘this whole thing is funny to me’ vibe—and also a ‘your discomfort is funny to me’ attitude.” Multiple people said that this sensibility was a cover for bullying or inappropriate remarks of all kinds, as well as comments on race and gender that crossed lines. Laughing at and adding to that kind of commentary, said one, “was how you got to be part of the group. That was the terms of belonging.”

All they did was just center the marketing around Keaton, which is hilarious.

Might be a ton of bombs this months. Think flash will be fine, but transformers and indiana jones are in trouble.

Just finished S3 of Ted Lasso, and I really don’t understand the hate it got. Longer/inconsistent episode lengths is pretty much the only complaint I’ll accept. Beyond that I don’t get it.

Who is hating on it? I guess this is the only place I read about TV, and UP, so I guess I haven’t gone looking for bad reviews. I thought it tied everything up nicely and left room for spin offs, just what you want from a series.

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I think S1 set an impossibly high bar. That was nearly perfect, everything was fresh and new, very funny and adorably uplifting. If S1 was a 10 (and it was), I’d say S2 was 8.5 and S3 maybe 8. Still very funny. I thought the finale was well done. It just seemed a bit meandering compared to earlier seasons, and I personally didn’t really care for any of the new characters in this season. What was the point of the whole Zava story? And I never liked (or really understood) the whole Nate heel turn, but I’m glad it was ultimately resolved. I’m also not sure what anybody else is complaining about, even falling a bit short of earlier seasons, still a great show, well worth watching.

The Zava story was to show Jamie what he could turn into if he put self over team and I think Nate’s story was probably the second most important strand in the show, it showed the same forgiveness journey Ted took but from an entirely different direction. S3 wasn’t perfect, it seemed like they had 15 shows worth of material and had to make it fit in 12 so some stuff was rushed. Overall, I think it was a fantastic series that was perfect for the pandemic, I don’t know if it does near as well without lockdown.


But why did Nate turn on Ted in the first place? Made no sense to me.

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Nate was pretty selfish when the show started and really insecure because of how his father treated him growing up. When Ted stopped paying attention to him he took it very badly and then when all his predictions went wrong he lashed out. The rest of the show was showing him change into someone closer to what imagined himself being.

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Good ITYSL article: