Television & Movies

Cousin Greg should have been killed off early. We didn’t need an audience stand-in guy after spending a year with the Roy family.

More and more I appreciate shows that just tell the story they want to tell and are done. The Good Place was a solid sitcom specifically because this is what Mike Schur did, roughly 50 episodes and then he killed it because he’d completed the story arc he wanted and didn’t want to try to stretch it.

But then we get shows like winning time that actually had much more story to cover and it gets canceled with probably two seasons worth of story left on table.

I’ll stand with you on that, it’s good but not in the elite tier for me.

I started watching “the whale” and holy shit it’s obvious in the first 5 minutes brendan fraser deserved an award for it. It was actually getting too emotional for me in the first 45 mins so, having watched my father go through a very similar thing. I had to take a breather - looking forward to the rest of it.

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Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber is pretty good, particularly if you’re interested in the tech industry. It’s a 7-episode miniseries, based on a book by NYT reporter Mike Isaac, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Travis Kalanick and Kyle Chandler (the Friday Night Lights guy) as early investor & advisor Bill Gurley. It was initially on Showtime but was recently added to Netflix.

It’s kinda slow at the start, and I guess they have to tell it but the part of the story where Uber is a young upstart is not all that interesting, and also involves a super cringe performance by Richard Schiff as the head of the SFMTA, who is clearly intended to personify the regulators out to get them and is like a villain twirling his mustache. But once you get beyond that, the actual real-life story it’s telling is too fucking wild to not enjoy. Multiple times I was like “come on, that’s a bit over the top” and then looked up what was happening to discover that whatever wild shit is being portrayed actually happened.

By the end, it’s very good, and for anyone who became moderately familiar with Uber over the years there’s a lot of

moments, like when we first meet Susan Fowler (and if you don’t know that name, buckle up!). Four bags of popcorn.


haven’t watched it (yet) but kalanick is definitely one of the most odious humans currently on earth

not to derail this but speaking of odious people in the tech industry, my linkedin network is overweighted in startup founders and hoo boy are they doubling down on their nob-slobbing for daddy elon after that last disasterous interview. people who I thought were relatively level headed are coming out of the woodwork to proudly announce that they’ve got the brain worms.


finally finished foundation S2, jesus what a waste of time

the books aren’t even that great, tbh

finished slow horses S2, pretty solid, maybe not as good as S1? I hear S3 starts off with a banger so looking forward to that tonight


Oh sick, I had no idea S3 had started.

It just started a few days ago

Two episodes so far. Want to be careful to
A not spoil
B admit I don’t know what’s going on (yet)

I really didn’t know what was going on in S2 until about halfway through the last episode

Watched the first two Slow Horses tonight: The tiger team thing was kinda cool, but also kinda seems like a momentum killer for the plot. I guess we’ll get back to the Istanbul stuff eventually, but at the moment it’s not clear at all why anything we’ve watched so far actually matters if they’re just, like, testing to see how easily the Park can be compromised?

Slow horses

Yes the show is intentionally misdirecting the team (and us). Lamb seems to have it pegged. Eagerly waiting for ep3

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Slow Horses

The change in demeanor of the snatch team before and after the photo is a pretty good indication of some shenanigans going on. I’m not sure if the leader lady disconnecting River from the dogs was bad writing or 3D chess. I guess we’ll find out…

Slow Horses keeps getting better, I think I like having to wait for each episode instead of getting them all at once.

Hmm, traveling this weekend. Guess I will download ep3 of SH plus Friday row of Monarch plus For All Mankind. Apple hitting me on all cylinders this month.

Getting caught up on the Monsterverse. Aware the most recent two movies werent reviewed as well, but I’m in now.l

This was a fun watch. I was not very familiar with the story and definitely had several moments where I was like: WTF, that surely can’t be true! And it was.

Kalanick comes out as the massive asshole that he probably is. Gurley was probably made too much of a good guy in the story, and there were several other characters that were massive clichés. But the series in general is pretty entertaining and a good binge.