The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

This could play against him in a major way though. That’s how you end up with stuff getting liquidated at very low levels triggering the agreements he has with lenders. The liens on his various property could easily result in him just getting absolutely dogpiled by creditors all at once. This is absolutely how a house of cards collapses on itself.


So Melania’s apartment is live to getting seized?

That would be absolute chefs kiss. Trump can keep Mar a Lago for all I care if we get some good drama out of this

Yeah, I suppose, but again, if he’s sitting in the Oval Office with the full power of the US government behind him, and he is corrupt as hell, ,what lender would dare?

NYC has some of the most pro-tenant laws in the country, so she’s live to be able to live there for many more years before actually getting evicted if she wants to.

That might actually tilt Trump even more.

Tish should just seize it and convert it to subsidized affordable housing targeted at POC and new immigrants. That would tilt him more than anything.

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But she’s not a tenant, right? Does that make a difference?

Right she’s the spouse of the guy that got a judgment. Sorry can’t take that my wife and kids live there. Makes no sense.

Doesn’t make a difference. It takes a long time to evict a post-foreclosure holdover as well.



Sure feels like some attempt to get this money is going to the “we got him” felony/espionage/treason

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Kind of impressive for Tish James that out of everyone, she’s been the only one to actually be able to touch Trump.

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  • maybe soon perhaps

In leopards-eating-faces news:

I’ve watched enough Suits to know that is just good hard lawyering. Also not sure where “serious trouble” falls on the trouble scale. Big trouble? God forbid she gets a letter in her permanent record!

So America owns Trump Tower now? I guess that’s cool.

New York

Tbh it feels like a lot of this whole thing is just so they can have the sweet sweet photo op of them prying those golden bold letters off of that building in Manhattan.

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