The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

Season 3 of serial. While not being the best. I always think back to it.

How fucked poor people are once they are in the system.

And then you see this.

Hard not to be jaded.

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or else there will be another gag order, then a $500 fine that will be reduced to $175 on appeal.

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Hey remember when he got caught stealing top secret shit and nothing happened?

Man, that was like 10 years ago.

Then lied about it to the FBI and ordered employees and lawyers to cover up and lie for him

Of course, this is a criminal case, and the normal sanction for violating something like this in a criminal case is revoking the defendant’s bail, so maybe that will happen. Hahahahahha, I make myself laugh sometimes.

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I mean, it’s not like they tried to destroy the evidence in a flood or anything and got away with that.

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Kind of wild watching Brazil’s legal system curb stomping Bolsonaro with haste, as Trump is a coin flip to be our next president more than three years after his coup attempt.

~6 months after his coup he was banned from running for public office for 8 years
~13 months after his coup his passport was seized and he was prohibited from leaving Brazil, as part of investigations into his coup
~ 14 months after his coup (when they discoverer he went into hiding in Hungary for 48 hours after the above travel ban), they started investigating him for that crime

Dudes going to be in jail probably within 2 years of his coup attempt. It’s good to see a functional justice system at work!

I was thinking about the Brazilian election the other day when I was having a convo about it with a Brazilian. Anyway, what I took away from the conversation (not sure if true) is that Bolsonaro won most of the big cities and Lula won most of the rural area.

For some reason I thought it was the opposite, because that’s is what happens in the US (rural folks vote conservative, urban ones vote liberal). But apparently that was not the case. Why is that?

I don’t think it’s quite that simple, but historically there I think the poor/labor vote is more rural and the white collar and ownership class vote is more urban. Bolsonaro lost a lot of ground in urban areas in 2022, so I guess you could think of this as the equivalent of what we saw in places like the Philly/Atlanta/Detroit suburbs with Trump.

It’s also a bit tricky because Bolsonaro won the Sau Paulo state something like 55/45, but he lost the city itself 47-37.

So basically the urban/rural divide is similar to the US on social issues and fascism, but on economic matters it’s probably the opposite. Keep in mind the working class there gets a much better deal than here in terms of workers rights/conditions, social safety net, healthcare, retirement, etc - to the extent that a lot of us here on SPE might feel comfortable voting for tax cuts if they didn’t come with a side of bigotry.

Yeah, not gonna matter. They’re going to extend it and/or waive the financial disclosure requirement for him.

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The only hope is that the special master has to know everything. So possible some embarrassing details get out.

So he missed the deadline. Time to start seizing assets.

All the Commodus.

So Cannon is refusing to rule quickly on some bogus request to toss the whole case, and double jeopardy is about to attach soon? Cool, cool.

Looks like she denied his request to toss the case, but who knows what other bullshit this will allow. Let’s hope he starts attacking her now for max chaos. :vince1:

Schedules a hearing! Lololol

That’ll teach him!