The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

I’m telling you guys I honestly think he’s been putting on more orange makeup than normal lately

Jesus Christ, GJGE I guess to the prosecution:

I predict a hung jury!

Yah I mean I could be wrong but if you signed up for Truth Social and you aren’t a goofybot you have to be like 99.99% nazi.

Duh. He’s a lurker on this site and sees the Trump bot.

Cmon. Show yourself.


Only thing I can think is the prosecution just ran out of perempts and drew a really bad hand getting a maga dipshit who’s on truth social on the jury. News is reporting they used all their preempts, so that must be it. I just don’t see a true believer ever convicting Trump. I mean, pressure in a jury room is intense if it’s 11-1 so drawing live to a conviction I guess if the case goes in well, but I think prosecution is drawing thin at this point.

Wonder if even a Trumper if the investment banker would just decide he has to go work instead of dragging things out for days

Jury room pressures are intense and there will hopefully be people in that jury room from the other side of the issue who will do everything they can to not hang.

But it’s not great.

really can’t wait for the inevitable hung jury and instant declaration of TOTAL EXONERATION from big daddy

how many jurors will be sent to gitmo along with the prosecutors and of course sleepy crooked joe biden?

This will be so tilting, especially when it’s an 11-1 hung jury.

NYT headline: “A Cloud Over Trump’s Candidacy Is Lifted”


They get to try him again if it’s a hung jury right? Maybe burning some more campaign time wouldn’t be the worst outcome

They can but I bet it doesn’t happen before the election.

on paper they can try him again but I don’t think there is enough political capital to do it

How much do you think being the one to hang this jury is worth? Surely you could parlay that into millions of dollars on the MAGA grift circuit, right?

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Oooh, fun, Avenatti could testify for Trump, get pardoned by him, and end up as his next press secretary: Michael Avenatti says he's in conversations with Trump legal team