The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

I’m picking guilt and quickly. My pick is hosed if there is a sleeper agent.

I don’t think they willl take 3 days to reach a verdict. If it hangs it will be because of someone that essentially refuses to deliberate.

I was foreman in a gun possession case. 70-80 year old farmer guy says something along the lines of “I don’t believe in gun laws” very early on. Bald face lied to get on the jury. Thankfully he was persuaded by rest of us. Plus he really didn’t want to stay laye and certainly not come back another day. Thankfully there were two charges and he was happy to “compromise”.

Vig-free line implies:
25% hung, 75% verdict, 69% guilty verdict

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25 percent hung odds seems like a really good bet.

It’s only $12.50 max bet and my bovada account is empty :harold:

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I should add that hung juries are really rare. They also become rarer the more serious a case is. Jury deliberation pressures are extreme. This case has the highest stakes of any criminal case in the history of this country and probably at least some people on this jury will feel this. If this thing starts 10-2 or 11-1 for conviction then those other jurors are going to work really really hard to convince the holdout(s). If there are 3 or more holdouts though, it’s going to hang.

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How would you judge the pressure on the jurors that their lives might be turned upside down if they convict the MAGA messiah?

Boy this going pretty late isn’t it? So they send them home then bring back in AM to deliberate?

Anyone worried about that could have gotten off that jury no questions asked.

Jury instructions in the morning. there are 30+ counts, that’s going to take a while. Maybe they’ll get a few hours of deliberation in in the afternoon?

Ok, I’m lying. I don’t want to be optimistic but god damnit i am optimistic for some reason. I’m sure my hopes willl be dashed but I think he might get convicted. This was a really really strong case. It went in well. It went as well for the prosecution as it possibly could have gone from what I can tell, their star witness did amazing, Trump’s only witness backfired spectacularly and comically, and Trump’s only hope is a maga juror. I’m sure I’m wrong though.

This case appears to have gone in better than any criminal trial I ever prosecuted, including the ones I won.

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What happens next if he does get convicted?

Judge orders a pre-sentence investigation report which is conducted by the department of probation. That normally takes a few months but given the stakes here that can happen faster. (The backlog is based on probation staffing, and I’m sure they can just put this case at the top of any queue they have).Then we go to sentencing. Then he gets sentenced. If he was getting incarceration (I’m going to guess he’s not), he’d almost certainly be able to get a stay of sentence pending appeal. Then the appeals process takes a few years.

So basically, it still won’t matter and he could be running the country from a NY prison?

“Sentence stayed pending appeal” nothing will ever happen, it’s win election and become emperor or lose and die in jail

He won’t touch a NY prison until his appeals are exhausted if, and only if, he was actually sentenced to prison, which is not a thing I’m at all confident would happen.

The “sentence” was never going to be what stopped him from being president. In theory being convicted of a felony would shake some support loose, but I don’t think his voters give a flying fuck.

I’m to the point where I’m genuinely happy all the other cases are delayed because it’s more time for him to hit the trail and show low info normies how insane he is

On the other hand it is really tough for a judge to sentence someone to just probation when they are convicted after trial and are just completely unrepentant and instead of apologizing for their crimes at sentencing, use their platform to keep attacking everyone including the judge. I mean, I’m not saying he’s getting jail, but god damn seeing that fact pattern get probation would be something else.

And also, since I’m wishcasting here since this will probably be a hung jury, even if he just gets probation I don’t see how he possibly doesn’t immediately violate said probation.

They don’t. I got into it with my mom today, and there’s no bottom. She’s far from a true believer, but she’ll hold the party line per Fox marching orders. It went like this.

“He did nothing wrong. Biden had documents too!”

Biden returned the documents when asked. Trump lied and tried to destroy evidence and the servers.

“Hildawg got away with the same thing! Buttery males! Muh acid washed server!”

Republicans investigated her and didn’t do anything. Trump is still under investigation.

“So what if he did have classified documents? What harm can he do?”

Show it to foreign governments and random people. He’s on recording doing this.

“How do you know the recording isn’t fake? MUH AI!”

It’s a recording from his own property…

“Who cares if he showed it to some people?”

Gee I don’t know - the government… that’s why it’s fucking classified and not public info.

Fully aboard the WAAF train again!

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