The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

If this was anyone but Trump I would be 100% sure they were fully fucked.

Really not a great sign when all the cronies start to plead in your RICO indictment.

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I think there’s now a good chance, say 25%, that the former President’s gets detained for violating one of these gag orders; how long, does he stop, no clue, but this is a breaking point for any court. I haven’t been following much lawbro content with foreign affairs stuff on fire atm, but I’d need to know more about the mechanics/appealability? of gag orders, my lay understanding is that an individual judge has almost dictatorial power wrt holding people in contempt, gag orders and the like.

Summary Contempt in NY is tricky. Judges definitely don’t have “dictatorial” powers to find people in contempt if they want to stay judges. In this case though, based upon the warning, repeated behavior, and severity, i think he could be found in contempt. I don’t think he’s getting incarcerated though. Any penalty is going to be monetary.

Wouldn’t the penalties have to meaningfully escalate though? Second or third penalty would have to be some form of detention, maybe home confinement and possibly a complete and total shutdown on using his phone? The reason to think there’s a chance is there’s literally 12-15 months of this before he gets sworn in, blatantly disobeying a judge over and over seems like a strategy of 100% bluff calling with a high card.

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Yeah I’m confused by this as well. They fine Trump and then he immediately violates the gag order to attack them for fining him. What then?

He’s going to keep bluff calling with high card until someone gets pissed enough to use their very real power to make him stop because he has never experienced anything that would suggest that there are consequences for just snap calling over and over again.



commodus.gif, oh wow that’s really gonna teach him!

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I’d really like to hear something like “future violations will result in detention” but yeah 5k deserves a Commodus

Yeah that might actually be small and toothless enough that he doesn’t even both bitching on Truth Social. He’ll probably still ham it up playing the victim, but the chances he does something equivalent or worse to what got him the gag order in the next 4 days is approximately 100%.

Just enough to string along sweet summer child.

Everyone knows these people aren’t going to do shit. Ever.

Fuck you no undefeated.

He could shoot a court staffer on Fifth Avenue and they wouldn’t jail him for it.

I don’t even need to look at Mueller she wrote’s twitter to know she’s on the verge of having fainting spells at the sheer joy of justice being served here, he’s gonna go to jail guys, any day now

Oh dunk, a fine

I’d like the Judge to make a point of having the Secret Service or the DOJ set up a meeting with State prison or police officials to map out contingencies for confinement. I’m guessing they’d put the kibosh on putting Trump in real jail, but start setting up the contingencies for Mar a Lago or Trump Tower confinement.

He’ll end up net profiting off of the penalty. He’s gonna fleece his idiot cult followers for a lot more than $5k with the next round of “witch hunt they fined me” emails.

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He’s also never paying the 5k. He’s actively trying to get court officials harrassed/hurt by his crazy supporters and that doesn’t land him in jail. You going to throw him in jail over failure to pay a 5000 dollar fine?

He knows you won’t.

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I’d like to see all the judges revoke all the gag orders and let him run his mouth to his heart’s content. Because that is less of a mockery of the whole thing than fining him $5,000.

The one scenario, which I do think we’re drawing extremely live to, where Trump does end up in pretrial detention is where one of these three judges has a really scary experience with a Trumpster. I’m talking ‘I thought I was about to die’ scared.

I think you make a judge think they’re about to die they might get super pissed and decide that if they need a round the clock security detail Donald is going to sit in jail.

Bonus points if he tweets something shitty about them and they get fucked up a few hours later. That, I think, would get it done.

He’s literally trying to make this happen more days than not.
