The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

Thanks for helping to keep the jail equity alive man. You’re doing gods work keep cursing the Trump defense :slight_smile:


Do the judges already have security you think? If they already do and Trump hasn’t faced any consequences he’s definitely not going to pretrial detention unless one of their staffers gets assaulted/killed or something.

I’m confident they all do.

So the supporters would have to be really scary to move the needle. Fantastic. Yet another example of safety measures being bad for the world.

Also why do right wing supreme court justices get to cry about people being mean to them in public?

You know why. It’s asymmetrical warfare, and they’re feeding right into the fake grievances and victim mentality of their room temp IQ viewer base.

Another one bites the dust:


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Man fuck this. You read off this bullshit then simultaneously send out fundraising emails, you should go straight to jail. Our legal system is completely broken.

Meh grifters gonna grift. This is such a weird situation I don’t think there needs to be a systemic fix. What should happen is that Jenna Ellis should never be able to be taken seriously in any form or fashion ever again… but we all know that it’s way too hard to get shunned in modern society.

She’s going to be a commentator on Breitbart or Newsmax by the end of the week.

I doubt it she’s already turned rat. If anyone gives her a job it’ll be Murdoch and it won’t be public facing. Literally just to twist the knife a little on whoever is pissed at her.

Can you imagine if Rudy flipped? It has to be on the table.

I mean, Cohen flipped. Rudy is old. Any real prison time is a death sentence for him. There’s a semi-decent chance he flips. The problem is, as a witness, he might be worthless (drug addicts and alcoholics don’t make the best witnesses), so I don’t know that Willis has a ton of incentive to offer him a sweetheart deal.

He’s useless as a witness. He has negative credibility and was drunk for most of the events in question.

Yeah. That’s the problem for him.

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Honestly I would much prefer Rudy to get thrown in prison even if it detracted from case around Trump. Trump being ex president I still foresee escaping what would happen to normal person so feels like needs to be precedent that you just can’t help presidents do criminal shit

Exactly, they need to throw a high profile person in jail and throw away the key so people at least think twice before doing this shit. It can’t be a freeroll.

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Is it 100% confirmed that these people are pleading out because they’re offering testimony/cooperation in return, or is otherwise blameless racketeering not so bad in Georgia?