The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

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Pretty significantly edited! boobs

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Yeah Rubicon Rubicon Rubicon, quite possibly the worst historical analogy for recent events. Caesar crossed the Rubicon once, with one legion, and caught the Senate by surprise and captured the city and the treasury, putting Pompey on his heels a bit, who had to raise his army from like half of the Mediterranean to challenge Caesar again later and ultimately lose.

This Space Karen level only historical reference I know so ill use it every time is tilting af. Almost all not well precedented events in power politics do not make much sense to compare to the Rubicon.

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Can’t believe that was 7 years ago

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What sort of discretion does judge have on fine? Like could it be 100 million dollars based on Trump wealth or it a set thing of like 5k dollars?

The fine is meaningless. Maximum fine is $5,000. NY hasn’t updated it’s criminal statutes for inflation in decades but even if they had it would still be meaningless to someone like Trump. I guess technically it could be $5,000 per count, but it’s still meaningless.

collection of schadenfreude

Not even true. Ulysses Grant was arrested and convicted in 1872 while he was the sitting president.



Can only get so erect etc


Love it!

Dunking on mom. It’s a dirty job, but it’s for her own good.

Talked to my “Never Trump” father:

  • Judge hated Trump, just like in the Letitia James case, it’s ridiculous that he keeps getting biased judges who won’t recuse
  • Even liberal MSNBC expected him not to be convicted, so…
  • It doesn’t mean anything until after appeal
  • 34 counts don’t matter, it was really 3 or 4
  • Not sure it matters at all for the election
  • “RFK is sounding better and better”

I told him maybe when he’s found guilty in a third trial in a couple years, he’ll finally admit Trump has done something wrong.

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This didn’t show up as a thread for me, so I went to their account to try to find it and saw they’re mad at the Ken Klippenstein “Hillary is about to post some cringe” tweet I posted?? Extremely #resistance / #ImWithHer-coded lol

Not that anyone here would go to a panel/event where she’s speaking, but post-election Hilary is actually quite funny. I will be forever angry that her handlers didn’t let her cook during the campaign.

I guess that’s partly her fault for letting her campaign people take away her own voice.

Yeah, she’s more than “partly” culpable for sabotaging her own voice, if that is the best explanation. One, she’s the head of her own campaign. She made the decisions to rely on those other people. Two, she’s literally married to a guy who improvised his way to the presidency. Granted, maybe Slick Willy is a better improvisor and better comic than she is. OK, that’s an understatement: he’s far better than most anyone, but his presidency is evidence of how improvised levity can give you an aura of authenticity that connects with people, and she would have to have seen that. And Hillary going off script was some of her most memorable moments, too! Remember crying in NH after losing to Obama in IA? That bought her a ton of equity in the race.