The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

I just want to know which staffer (if it wasn’t Hillary) came up with Pokemon Go To The Polls so they can receive the only fair punishment, which is public execution.


So you’re saying they should Pokemon Go To The Gallows?


I actually think there’s a much greater chance of an incarceration sentence than the talking heads on tv keep harping about. He’l be able to make bail pending appeal though. If i had to guess, I’d put the likeliest sentence at a 6/5 split, 6 months jail and 5 years probation. Prison is not out of the question though.

By the way, his lawyers are absolutely telling him this as well.

Here’s hoping.

My unrequested opinion from an outside perspective is that your “never trump” father might be a closeted “always trump” voter. True never trumpers aren’t carrying a single ounce of water for him.

My parents seemed ready to pop champagne last night to celebrate the convictions, and I had to remind them that none of this really matters. They are true, card carrying never trumpers - something I’ve been extremely grateful for over the past 8 years.


Won’t happen but can you imagine Trump having to pull the “roll into court with a walker to look old and feeble to avoid jail” maneuver? Mmm mmm good.



better compared to…? feels like we’re missing the most important detail here

HuffPost is keeping a list

Anybody seen the judges who will decide his appeal?

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This isn’t actually accurate. There are 20 Judges on the Appellate Division First Department Bench. He will draw a panel of 5 of those judges. That picture above is 5 of them, taken when the historic first of a panel of 5 all female African-American Justices was drawn.

With that said, this is not going to be a friendly bench to him.

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So do they have to find some specific things they think the judge did wrong to appeal or can they just be like “the jury was wrong?”

I suppose he continues to stay out on appeal if the Appellate Division upholds the conviction and then SCOTUS agrees to hear his appeal in 2199?

Do people like him ever have any thoughts about Cannon not recusing? Never a peep about that.

That’s her own damn fault. If your handlers let you drop “Pokemon go to the polls”, you stop listening to them and get new ones.

Edit: My pony is about as competent as her handlers.



There is a “weight of the evidence” grounds but that is extraordinarily rare. It is going to have to be judicial errors that effected the outcome of the case.

No idea. I have no personal experience with a conviction being appealed to the United States Supreme Court. I don’t think they could direct appeal a state criminal jury verdict, he’d have to bring a habeas petition in federal court and that would have to get appealed up to the Supremes.