The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

He’s calling for default. Jesus.

He’s calling for $5 trillion in cuts, McCarthy’s bill only asked for $4.5 trillion.

I will say as awful as it is for CNN to do this, he’s not helping himself. This shit doesn’t play well outside the bubble.

His positions are awful, but if Biden debates him in their current states, he’s gonna get smoked. Whether that matters is a different question I guess.

Well he just took a personal victory lap on killing Roe, that’s good. Put that in ads starting tomorrow.

The election is going to be decided by suburban women in like 3-4 states. The “laugh at sexual abuse victims and brag about banning abortion” line isn’t a winner.

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Yeah quadrupling down on personally killing Roe may have legitimately ended the election tonight.

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The ad writes itself.

  1. Trump takes personal credit for killing Roe.

  2. Story about a teenage rape victim not being able to get an abortion.

  3. Trump “I was honored to be the one to kill Roe.”

  4. Story about women nearly dying from lack of abortion in emergency.

  5. Trump bragging about killing Roe.

Cut it up, loop it in the Philly, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Phoenix suburbs from now til November 2024.

It’s a wrap.

Best part is it helps him win the primary and kills him in the general.

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CNN gave Jeffrey Toobin a new contract after he got caught jacking off on zoom

They retained Chris Cuomo forever

They paid Rick Santorum

And that was before the new right wing leadership

Fuck CNN. Hilariously there is no lane for them they would have had a way better chance at making money becoming the left wing channel.

Lol he says 15 million illegal immigrants from 129 countries will arrive this year over the border.

Sounds great, let’s do it!

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Make sure to register them to vote on entry.

Kaitlan Collins busted for homophobia and she also worked for Daily Caller and CNN is giving her their plum time slot. Jfc.

CNN hired completely unvarnished white supremacists after 2016. Like, remember that Jeff Lord guy they hired who got fired for openly spouting Nazi shit?

Their network’;s whole business model is fucked, they know Trump will supercharge their ratings for 2024, it’s going to be all Trump all the time, just put him on the screen for easy ratings and you don’t have to do the hard work of fixing cable news’s dinosaur operating model.

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Why do these morons think this isn’t exactly what cnn wanted to happen


I hate he gets this platform. This is a high leverage situation though. It does seem like it makes sense to have him out there in front and then use him to drown the rest. But of course it’s game over democracy if he pulls out the general.

Hope everyone enjoyed CNN tonight. The New Hampshire audience was AMAZING. Thank you!

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lol CNN

when they brought pence on randomly to talk 45 mins about policy like he was running for president on wolf’s show i knew something was up.

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