The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

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They want to interfere—to a point where Joe Biden is willing to arrest his opponent who is leading him in the polls by a very large number…

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Remember when Democrats used to love whistleblowers?! They don’t like them so much anymore!

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Joe Biden is a totally compromised President…

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Never forget our enemies what to stop me because I am the only one who can stop them—and I’m stopping them because of YOU!

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Using Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, we will deny entry of all Communists and Marxists into the United States!

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Let’s be really clear about what he’s saying here, because “Communists and Marxists” = Democrats.

He’s going to attempt to ban entry/re-entry of all non-conservatives into the US. So any immigrant who is here who is not yet a citizen, and possibly anyone who’s not a natural citizen, will not be able to leave the country and reliably come back if they’ve done stuff like donate to Democrats, protest for Black Lives Matter or LGBTQ rights, expressed support for those things on social media, etc.

Then we find out what Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Roberts think about that.

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A beautiful welcome this evening at the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport in Michigan, thank you!

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This evening, it was my GREAT HONOR to speak at the Oakland County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in beautiful MICHIGAN!

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It is no wonder THE SWAMP is getting truly desperate as they see us leading VERY BIG in the polls…

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I was the first President in 70 years who didn’t start a war!

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Some of the bold agenda items that I will immediately implement when WE become the 47th President of the United Stares…

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I will immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal spending for any school pushing CRT, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children…

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With YOU at my side we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalist—we will route the fake news, and we will DEFEAT Crooked Joe Biden…

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