The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)


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It’s kinda unpresidential for trump to be picking on lil Ronnie Desanctus at this point but on the other hand, lol

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DeSanctus should seriously consider dropping out, he’s going to be politically done in Florida at this rate.


I never followed trump Twitter before, but I starting to understand better how he built his cult. Like he saying all the shit everyone “wants to say” (but are too polite) dunking on Desantis. It draws you in.

Although Biden actually had some of this edge too, feel like Obama would have gotten smoked

Will you shut up man


This judge in DC needs to revoke his bail, he’s not going to stop doing this.


Yeah, the base is addicted to this stuff and no one else in the Republican race is delivering it. Like if Trump dropped dead or was legally barred from running, who would they even turn to?

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Yup. I’m no psychologist, but clearly part of the appeal is Trump saying things that polite society keeps Joe Six Pack from saying out loud. He just gave people permission to act like assholes in public and suburban white people care way more about that than about policy bullshit.


You can’t deny this mofo has his fucking finger on the pulse

I will admit that I bought a rainfall showerhead nad removed hte water regulator becuase I can’t stand the low flow showerhead. Then again, I live in an area that has extremely heavy rainfall and I am not particularly worried that I’m contributing to water shortages.

Need to crosspost to the hot take thread, imo. This is GOATbama we’re talking about. And even Hillary didn’t get “smoked”.

This is probably correct - Hillary barely lost as an extremely unlikable candidate, 2016 Obama wasn’t exactly 2008 hope and change Obama but he was still a likeable enough guy to probably pull out the W against Trump.

re: showers, I also removed my regulator (on my plumber’s advice :harold:) after trying & failing to fix a low flow problem. The regulation of 1.8 gallons per min would probably be fine, but I measured the water output from my shower and it was well under that level even after replacing the hose and nozzle, so :person_shrugging: I tried to do it the honest way, sorry California. (even after I’m probably only getting, like, 2 gpm)


That’s a fair point, although I feel like if you created an Obama clone/cyborg and ran him now he would fair substantially worse both politically and electorally in current world than he did initially. US political environment seems to have changed so much


Like just opened the other thread and saw this stuff, maybe I’m remembering wrong but I just don’t see Obama team saying this stuff and seems to be required now

What a joke,” Newsom spokesperson Nathan Click said in a statement, according to Politico. “Desantis’ counterproposal is littered with crutches to hide his insecurity and ineptitude — swapping opening statements with a hype video, cutting down the time he needs to be on stage, adding cheat notes and a cheering section.”

“Ron should be able to stand on his own two feet,” Click added. “It’s no wonder Trump is kicking his ass.”

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