The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Shut the fuck up.


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Smith should ask for a refusal by Cannon and a venue change out of Florida. Tit for tat, make it clear it should be both or neither on these two cases.

So Trump is just gonna scream into the void about witnesses, the prosecutor, and the judge in this case, and that’s A-OK?

Hopefully things happen by 5:00 Monday, and he starts seeing consequences for the first time in his life.

DC judge needs to commence the “finding out” portion of the proceedings.


Like as hard as it is to imagine that he goes to jail for contempt, it is approaching equally hard to imagine a not in the tank aka normal federal judge allowing these tantrums to go unchecked. This is part of why I had the sads when Cannon got the “Document’s” case, I didn’t care quite as much about her hindering the ultimate outcome (although that’s bad, it’s still the stronbest case), I knew she wouldn’t try gagging him.

Haaaaaaave you met Ron?

All Trump has done for the past seven years is aggressively break every rule and norm, I don’t know, maybe this time someone actually enforces the rules. Judges are like little tyrants, it has to piss them off to see Trump defying the court.

He’s definitely going to keep doing it, and it’s hard to see them literally locking him up over it, so it’s just going to keep happening. Like, are they really going to lock up a former president for Xeeting/Truthing?

The logistics of even locking him up are crazy to think about. You’d have to put a Secret Service detail in jail.

House arrest?

How does that stop him from using social media, though?

Also going to be a huge shit storm over preventing him from campaigning.

He’s never getting pre-trial detention. Never.

As far as restrictions on his ability to Tweet, the judge has got to be worried about him challenging the order on free speech grounds (especially in the context of a political campaign) all the way up, and/or using it to try to get the judge disqualified. It’s a tough spot.


I also think the ragetweeting about DC is not to actually get the trial moved. That’s never going to work. What may be going on is, he knows he’s fucked on that indictment, any half competent lawyers will have told him that. He knows he’s likely getting convicted in DC. The out he is still drawing live to is getting elected notwithstanding that conviction, and then self-pardoning. He’s preparing his base for the fact that he’s getting convicted, and trying to pre-emptively prevent that conviction from damaging him in the polls.


I don’t think there is that much strategy. It’s more me mad me tweet


I want to know what the Truth guys have on Trump, because you know he’s been dying to get back on twitter instead of yelling into the void. Has anyone else been able to stop him from just doing what he wants? It’s been a long time since he could have returned.

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Watch Mark Levin tonight on FoxNews, 8:00 P.M.(Eastern). He gets the Fake Indictments, Voter Fraud, and Election Interference better than anyone, and he’s not afraid to say it - PATRIOT! 10 minutes.

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