The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

oh jesus i didnt even realize that dog whistle, pretty loud too


I’m looking forward to the report. It’s almost certainly going to be a bunch of already debunked nonsense like “2000 Mules” but it’ll be good to get the “definitive” evidence on the record.

And obviously “why did this report take you 2.5 years” is a perfectly reasonable question!

I’m tempted to tune in to Preet’s podcast to see how things are going over there.

I truly think if Kemp entered the race today he would be the #2 most likely nominee.

Counterpoint: Read the replies to that tweet.

Lol, this one is my favorite:

That report is as close to complete as Elmo Musk is to getting in a cage with the Zuckster.

lol, replies are incredible. The Trump cult will not accept any substitutes no matter how hard they ride Trump’s dick.

Kemp staying out looks a lot smarter than DeSantis jumping in. But on the other hand DeSantis has a warchest and campaign staff in early states.

GOP primary is going to be a shit show. Kemp’s stance now is an indication that the establishment Republicans are probably ready to start distancing from Trump now that all the indictments are out.

I think the big thing right now that’s good is that either way the GOP is unlikely to exit the primary united, so the candidate will be weak in that regard.

If you’re going to get in as the establishment savior, it’s best to wait until the last possible moment. You don’t give Trump 6 months to drag you on fake twitter, you wait until he’s at his weakest, ideally following multiple felony convictions.

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That’s what it will take. Sadly the moment he croaks the conspiracy theory of all conspiracy theories will launch. He will simultaneously be
A. Murder victim of the deep state
B. Actually alive
C. Resurrected

Of the very few polls there are, Youngkin is an interesting late in the process establishment savior, but like, if orange is alive and not the nominee because he gets rat fucked, Biden, if alive, will win in a landslide, despite unfavorable polling against Youngkin atm (it’s like 2 polls though). 10s of millions of orange voters will not vote for a perceived establishment ratfucker.

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Yep, they’d need someone who could beat Biden in the Philly/Atlanta/etc suburbs to have a fighting chance then. Romney or Christie maybe, but they’d probably need to be pro choice to win the general without the MAGA base. Do they even have any those left?

With the extent of the moral rot in the republican body politic, I have to think that the number of people who will never settle for anyone but orange is much larger than the bloc of R-leaning suburanites who would return to a “sane” candidate. Obviously you know PA better than I do, it feels like for every well off R-leaning suburbanite they might win back, there are 5-10 white, local diner rurals who will not vote.

Like in Virginia poll(s) that poll the senate race and other shit, Youngkin was beating Biden by 5 in a hypothetical match-up. That of course in a vacuum is a very bad number, but lightning would have to strike for him to get in the race in time, not get trashed by orange like DeSanctus did, somehow win/be handed the nom, and then hold the base together. Idk, I don’t see it.

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Thank you Matt!! You are a Great American Patriot.

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