The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Now it’s march 1st

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Feb 26th



lol remember when this guy invited the fbi director to a private dinner at the white house to tell him to shut down the investigation into himself


Is this meaningful?

Na, will just plead not guilty.

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Lol that vimeo is a trip.

the angle they’re now going with is drawing comparisons of democrats in the 2000 bush/gore election and a bunch of sound clips of democrats supposedly “questioning” election results. But, also in the ad, it paints that as an overwhelmingly negative thing to do in the first place - so this normalizes trump’s behavior? but it’s also bad behavior? never mind the fact that he isn’t being indicted for questioning election results he’s being indicted for trying to fucking overturn them. it’s so incoherent I’d like to think it’s unraveling at the seams but I know better, this dissonance will mean nothing and probably the trumptards are so used to it by now they’ll just slip into it like a warm blanket.

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Democrats do it a tiny bit and within the law = BAD AWFUL THEY’RE COMMUNISTS ENDING THE REPUBLIC

Republicans do it a shit ton and outside the law and a full coup = GOOD AWESOME THEY’RE TRUE PATRIOTS SAVING AMURICA

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the game plan is to utterly confuse a huge portion of the electorate so that in any political conversation someone can come up with a point that’s validly anti-trump and there exists a bizarro narrative counterpoint where actually the story you’re referencing is a bad thing that democrats did and it’s all the same characters but their actions and motivations are switched around

idk how america crawls out of this one. i guess we just hope ceasar doesn’t gain power again because if he does, we’ll be treated with a string of worsening lunatic dictators until the empire falls on top of all of us

but if biden wins (down 2 in today’s emerson poll) then i think we have to fade one more election in 2028 of trump narrowly winning the republican nomination and losing worse than ever. in 2032 trump will demand to be the nominee, and potentially we can see a split of the party. of course this would lead to a dozen dem senators splitting from the dems and we’ll have 4 or 5 parties. aoc communist party 2036 babyyy!

That’s not how that works. Still a state crime, just tried in federal court. He can’t be pardoned federally for it.

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My Poll numbers are UP since the very boring, record setting low (ratings!), Debate. Leading by BIG numbers. I made the right decision, and broke all records with the Tucker Carlson Interview!

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Be careful what you wish for. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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