The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I want to thank the great Lt. Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, who served as Judge in the Ken Paxton Trial, and the Republican State Senators, for showing great Professionalism and Fairness….

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The Ken Paxton Victory is sooo BIG. WOW!!!

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Framing impeachment acquittal of a corrupt republican voted on by corrupt Republicans as “total exoneration” is so god damn tilting.

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Discussion from other thread seems more appropriate here.

If 2024 is a Biden/Trump rematch, what chance does Trump have of winning?
  • <2%
  • 2-10%
  • 10-25%
  • 25-50%
  • 50+%
0 voters

Difficult to answer given your conditional. I think a lot of the people saying “Trump has no shot” are banking at least in part on the criminal proceedings and Trump getting ratfucked at the convention due to looming jail time. If Trump comes out of the convention as the nominee, I put 25-50, but I think there’s a pretty good shot he doesn’t make it that far, even if he wins the most delegates in the primary.

Having a tough time imagining how this would play out.

If you believe Mitt Romney, there are senators who didn’t dare vote for impeachment because they were afraid for their safety. Ratfucking him at the convention would be way more extreme than removing him from office two weeks ahead of his term expiring.

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This forum needs an @sweetsummerchild gimmick account so badly.

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I am undecided on the subject myself, but it’s clear that at least some people think that the criminal proceedings have teeth. And, clearly, such a person would have wildly different answers as to Trump’s chances if they were asked about them right now vs. the particular cast of “If 2024 is a Biden/Trump rematch,” which a reasonable person could infer means that Trump made it through the convention as the nominee and as a free man.

Do you think the RNC sends through a Trump nomination if he’s literally in jail? Nevermind whatever probability you ascribe to that happnening, if he won the most delegates and then is literally in jail, does the RNC certify his nomination? And then, how much does your answer change if Trump is convicted but temporarily free while he appeals?

I will be the interviewed this morning on Meet the Press, NBC. Enjoy!

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There is no probability whatsoever of him being actually in jail in November of 2024. The timeline just doesn’t work. Even if he’s convicted in March of the federal charges, he’s going to be out pending appeal. The appeal will take years.

The interview is just the most predictable thing ever. Bloviate, lie, deflect, attack, steamroll, interrupt, lie some more.

Welker tries, but she’s just no match for his firehose of nonsense.

Interview summary in one answer about a 15-week abortion ban:

I’m going to come together with all groups and we’re going to have something that’s acceptable.

Sounds great. They definitely need to keep giving him a platform! Next time will be different.

The abortion answer is genius obviously. It allows all his supporters to delude themselves into thinking he supports whatever it is that they want.

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