The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Sadly, I’ve heard of that one. So woke was a way to demonize a white person that had the audacity to not hate black folks back in the day or something?

it’s not really offensive IIRC just not the preferred nomenclature anymore. i always forget the acronym

yea, originally woke was a term used for a (usually white) person that was aware of issues of race, or an ally, then the tucker carlsons and hannity’s of the world started mocking that, now it’s devolved so much it basically means “anything i don’t like” to a RWNJ. Like they’ll get mad hometown buffet’s out of ranch and call it woke.

woke’s actually a much much older word in the vernacular than people realize. like the 30’s/40’s. that surprised me when i learned it

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The more you know. But anyhow, I wish we could somehow celebrate being woke as an aspirational thing that good people strive for, because it is somehow a super effective cudgel these days that really resonates with the garden variety non-hood wearing light deplorable.

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Just reminds me of that graphic they showed of AOC platform and saying she’s terrible and it’s all just stuff like people shouldn’t die on the streets.

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“Woke” is the most grating, embarrassing new bit of slang ever. I’m sorry, it’s impossible to hear adults unironically calling things “woke” and take them seriously.

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There’s literally nothing on there that isn’t awesome.

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I love this so much, like I get that most of it is not popular on the right. They love them some private prisons and assault weapons and ICE and they think a bunch of other stuff is socialism and thus automatically bad. And to them women’s rights means letting women kill unborn babies.

But like, who the fuck is against Clean Campaign Finance or Support Seniors? Are there olds sitting at home watching Fox News like, “YEAH FUCK THOSE SENIORS!” Is there a pro campaign corruption caucus among their viewers?

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(image TRUTH)

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I think it’s mostly the first 3 that cause all the consternation. Some of them can even get on board with subsidized healthcare, especially if they have personal experience with the fundamental unfairness of medical outcomes. But a lot of people don’t yet understand that your health is not just a matter of personal responsibility.

But as far as having a right to a house and a job, that’s just a bridge to far. People hearing this envision not just socialism (bad!) but full blown communism (worse!) with central planners dictating your profession, your housing block, your spouse, the number of children you’ll have, etc.

This is of course the antithesis of American Freedom™ and it’s no wonder that they think the “democrat” party wants to destroy America.

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Yeah I think it really comes down to how it’s worded and branded. A jobs/housing/healthcare guarantee should be: “In the greatest country with the greatest economy in human history, everyone who is able bodied and willing to work hard should be able to enjoy the dignity of having a job… and anyone truly working hard for 40 hours a week has earned a roof over their head, enough food on the table, and at minimum, health insurance on par with Medicare.”

You could also polish it up with some freedom, maybe a mention of grilling burgers now and then, you know, some real USA#1 stuff. At the end of the day, you sell it, you get the votes, you get the votes, you use the power, you get it done the right way.

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should be a 20 hour workweek

And yet they’re on Medicare and Social Security. I see this cognitive dissonance all the time.

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I’m all for it, but no way that’s a winning message in a presidential campaign in 2024 or 2028. That’s like eight steps down the line, and some of the steps are protests on a level like the French working class organizes. And it’s gotta go to 35 then 30 etc.

It’s not freedom, and it never is. It’s always racism. Look at how many of those line items serve to equalize Black people with white people. Housing, jobs guarantee, criminal justice reform, immigration reform, Puerto Rico getting treated as an actual state rather than a less-than for brown people, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights: all that is promoting the people they want to have as a permanent underclass. Racism is the only thing conservatives have ever wanted to conserve.


democrats definitely are not innocent here

OK? That doesn’t really change my thesis.

Monthly SW Border Encounters are UP 348% under Crooked Joe Biden as compared to TRUMP. Disgraceful!

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“We want to put in the Border policies that were working so well just 3 years ago under the Trump Administration.” Congressman Jim Jordan

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