The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Something funky is going on with the Trumpbot…


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No Radical Left Democrat politician has EVER been able to explain why their party is so rabidly opposed to Voter ID—and that’s the biggest giveaway of all that they are cheating on a monumental scale…

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Democrats Against Democracy!

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The stakes in this election could not be higher: next November, you have a choice between war, poverty, and weakness under Crooked Joe Biden, or peace, prosperity, and strength under President Donald J. Trump…

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One of my greatest honors as president was to terminate the globalist monstrosity known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership my first day in office…

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These Fake Political cases brought against me could have been filed years ago…

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It’s overwhelmed by the handsomeness on display in all of these videos that could just be a paragraph of text.

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Instead of “is actually good,” my criteria here is, “Better than Biden and better than Newsom.”

The top half are actually good, they’re roughly in the order I would rank them in as candidates based on the combination of being actually good and electable vs Trump. Some of these may have a slightly worse chance in the general than Newsom, but make up for it by not sucking if elected.

All are either current/former senators, governors, high profile Congresspeople, or POTUS candidates. Exception to those criteria is Stacey Abrams.

Josh Shapiro
Gretchen Whitmer
Raphael Warnock
Sherrod Brown
Ed Markey (younger than Biden, same age as Trump)
Stacey Abrams
Elizabeth Warren
Andy Beshear
Chris Murphy
Hakeem Jeffries
Tim Walz
John Fetterman (would be way higher if not for the stroke and attacks on health)
Beto O’Rourke
Tim Ryan
Pete Buttigieg
Jay Inslee

I could probably also come up with another 10-15 names if I could go outside the current/former politician box. Here are a few…

Jon Stewart
George Clooney
Matt Damon
Michelle Obama
Taylor Swift
The Rock (Is he liberal? Decent on social issues and not a corporate stooge, at least)
Tom Hanks

I’d actually put Stewart, Clooney, and Damon near the top of the overall list. Might have to put Swift up there too just cause she’d have like a 98% chance of winning and she seems like a decent human being, she’s super intelligent, and she surrounds herself with smart people.

A ticket paring Jon Stewart with a black or female Democrat with executive experience to calm fears about his lack of experience would be absolute fire. Stewart with Whitmer or Warnock would be great.

The Stewart-Trump debates would be legendary, the election would be a landslide, and he’d actually be liberal and wield his power in office. Problem is he’d hate every minute of it! Except the debates, I think he’d enjoy those.

I do wonder what the results would be if they ran the 2020 primary field in 2024, whether Biden would win again, and if not, would a nominee from that field fare better today in the general, but like anybody who couldn’t beat Biden in 20 seems like a likely loser in 24 to me.

Shapiro, Brown and Kentucky guy are the only ones I’d be semi comfortable with; women and people of color and will lose.

BTW Democrats should absolutely be in some of those celebrities ears about running for Senate, Governor, or President. I guaranfuckingtee you Stewart, Clooney, and Damon have all thought about it. They’ve been activists and people have for sure mentioned it to them, and how do you not ponder it for a moment when someone suggests it?

They’re all actually liberal, extremely intelligent, and oozing charisma.

If they ran it back with the same field and the experience they gained, and the party wasn’t protecting him because he’s the incumbent, Elizabeth Warren could beat him by not repeating her mistakes from before. Buttigieg would have a chance if he was willing to hit him on his age. A few others would have equity, and a couple others wouldn’t survive a 20 way field but could beat Biden head to head in a fair fight primary without the fundraising/bully pulpit advantages of the incumbent. Like Inslee would get lost in the field, but if he went head to head with Biden right now and the party didn’t tip the scales, he’d have a shot.

Realistically Biden didn’t win because he was the best candidate in the eyes of the voters, he won because he was the best at consolidating the support of party elites and donors. So if they bailed on him and he had a real challenger, he’d lose.

It was close, but after SC it became obvious that a lot of older, southern Ds were not that into Liz & Mayo and the rest.

I agree that this time sleepy probably loses, but it’s not apparent to me that Liz or Pete have more equity on the general. The headwinds are strong, I think you need someone a decent amount above replacement value to get it done this time.

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Liz blew it when she flip-flopped on single payer. That cost her her base, and then it didn’t matter whether she could get the older southern Ds. She needed to be ever so slightly to the right of Bernie in the primary, primarily on language and messaging not policy.

Pete just didn’t have the experience and connections, and he knew it, so he took the first good deal he was offered to back away and give it to Biden. Assuming he didn’t do that, he’d beat him now with four years of Cabinet experience and Biden four years older-as-fuck.

I think both have more equity in the general, if only because they wouldn’t be handcuffed to this economy, the inflation, and the messaging as if the economy is actually good for most people. Pete is actually elite at speaking to moderates/center-right voters too. He frames liberal policies in their language. He’s down my list pretty far because he’s not progressive enough for me, but I’d take him over Biden and I think he’d have more equity.

One can make various cases depending on various assumptions, I just think still next to no one knows who Pete is, and he just scans as way too damn white to appeal to the Democratic coalition. He might get more out of the suburban independent, but I still see that matchup as wipeout for stable genius.

Waaf, deeply deeply waaf