The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Always nice to have confirmation I’m not losing $200 to cactus and iron81


I’m down to 10/90.

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Worth pointing out that, because of the way NY grand jury secrecy works, if the grand jury voted not to indict Trump (or the case was withdrawn), this is exactly what it would look like. He would just quietly not get indicted, and the grand jury would expire.

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lots of comments on that mueller she wrote thread, think that they already voted, but they think they voted to indict. lol

I shouldn’t be so tickled that my cynicism is proven correct, but goddamn inject this into my veins for some reason

actually I know why. fuck all these justice dems or whatever you call them for constantly injecting hopium into the masses. it’s easy to be complacent and not riot/protest when you believe in the end it’ll work out. at this point it’s patently hilarious. like, I don’t put the blame squarely on these people but they’ve been milking this train for a while and any time you express any kind of doubt or whatever they get intensely angry, what we shoulda been doing the last 2 years is lighting shit on fire every single minute the biden admin doesn’t do anything about an ATTEMPTED COUP, but nah all these mueller she wrote types are like “just wait, the wheels of justice turn slowly.” and what do we get in the end? this rinky dink campaign finance thing that has expired the statute of limitations. lmfao. so any time they look absolutely stupid makes me feel a bit vindicated.

fuck them.

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It’s perverse but watching Lawbros be wrong about everything is incredibly satisfying


I think if an indictment were handed up to a court, in a case of this magnitude, something would have leaked anonymously somewhere.

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But the most annoying/famous lawbros - the ones hosting podcasts, going on CNN, and Mueller She Tweeting, are getting rich off their incessant wrongness.

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if i fall below 1%, i fear i would become a laughingstock


Bad example. That man is sitting next to a women not his wife/mother.

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I said it at the time, they should have put the knife in him right after 1/6. That was their chance to make a clean break, save some face, and take it on the chin for probably just one election cycle (if that). Instead, he owns them forever.

I noticed Trumpbot hasn’t been working for a couple days, not sure what to do about it. Truth’s Cloudflare is blocking everything from the bot on AWS, even if I route it through a proxy.

I have never seen a site so dedicated to making sure people can’t use it.

Is it happening?!?!?

Drudge says indicted

Was going to make it lol, indicted



His truth posts are going to be so good

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Michael from 5-4:

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Going to bar trivia in 10 minutes. Anyone got a good team name idea?

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